{"id":4912,"date":"2011-02-02t11:00:30","date_gmt":"2011-02-02t17:00:30","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.imrbdigital.com\/?p=4912"},"modified":"2011-04-28t08:42:58","modified_gmt":"2011-04-28t14:42:58","slug":"reflections-on-gradstep-2011-creating-interdisciplinary-and-collaborative-classrooms","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.imrbdigital.com\/2011\/02\/reflections-on-gradstep-2011-creating-interdisciplinary-and-collaborative-classrooms\/","title":{"rendered":"reflections on gradstep 2011: creating interdisciplinary and collaborative classrooms"},"content":{"rendered":"


reflections from john morrell, gradstep facilitato<\/em>r<\/p>\n

interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning are increasingly popular in the academy, from programs in environmental studies and women\u2019s studies to initiatives like writing across the curriculum.\u00a0 in an afternoon workshop at gradstep 2011<\/a>, a group of vanderbilt graduate students from across the disciplines explored the benefits and challenges of incorporating interdisciplinary and collaborative teaching methods into their classrooms.<\/p>\n

interdisciplinary analysis involves integrating diverse modes of disciplinary inquiry in order to produce fresh insights.\u00a0 this kind of work can be enriching for both students and instructors, offering opportunities to think \u201coutside the box\u201d and to examine the broader implications and applications of field-specific knowledge.<\/p>\n

teaching interdisciplinary topics also presents challenges.\u00a0 there is the inevitable challenge of balancing breadth and depth of inquiry.\u00a0 often working beyond their expertise, instructors might also worry about misrepresenting concepts from other disciplines, or that they aren\u2019t qualified to assess student work outside their own field.\u00a0 by shifting the emphasis of interdisciplinary instruction from content to process, however, it is possible to see these challenges as learning opportunities.<\/p>\n

interdisciplinarity calls for a collaborative approach to teaching and learning.\u00a0 common strategies for creating interdisciplinary classrooms include team teaching, or inviting guest lecturers to contribute expertise on a topic.\u00a0 perhaps the most effective strategy for creating interdisciplinary classrooms is to encourage peer-to-peer learning.\u00a0 consider assigning multiple sets of reading and make students responsible for teaching these readings to one another.\u00a0 over the course of the semester, have students generate a glossary of interdisciplinary vocabulary words important to your topic.\u00a0 incorporate students presentions on relevant topics of their choice.<\/p>\n

collaborative learning techniques include think-pair-share<\/a> exercises and structured controversy, such as formal debate, where students learn to develop multiple points of view.\u00a0 group work is an fundamental component of collaborative learning.\u00a0 tools for enhancing group work include jigsaw<\/a> and fishbowl<\/a> exercises.\u00a0 assessing group work and interdisciplinary work can be difficult.\u00a0 rubrics<\/a> that emphasize integrative learning skills and teamwork skills can provide a helpful guide.<\/p>\n

here are some links to more resources on interdisciplinarity\u00a0and collaborative learning:<\/p>\n