{"id":15571,"date":"2013-09-19t08:58:43","date_gmt":"2013-09-19t13:58:43","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.imrbdigital.com\/?p=15571"},"modified":"2013-09-17t10:59:24","modified_gmt":"2013-09-17t15:59:24","slug":"sotl-spotlight-special-issue-of-teaching-learning-inquiry","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.imrbdigital.com\/2013\/09\/sotl-spotlight-special-issue-of-teaching-learning-inquiry\/","title":{"rendered":"sotl spotlight: special issue of teaching & learning inquiry"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"sotl<\/a>by nancy chick, cft assistant director<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

nancy <\/a>is the\u00a0author<\/a><\/em> <\/em>of a variety of sotl articles and book chapters, as well as\u00a0co-editor<\/a><\/em> <\/em>of two books on signature pedagogies and co-editor of <\/em>teaching & learning inquiry<\/a>, the official journal of\u00a0the international society for the scholarship<\/em> <\/em>of teaching and learning (issotl<\/a>), with the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 as its editorial office. <\/em>\u201csotl spotlight\u201d is her ongoing feature on the cft website. <\/em><\/p>\n

the second issue of teaching & learning inquiry<\/a> <\/em>has just been published. it’s a special issue entitled “writing without borders: 2013 international writing collaborative<\/strong>,” the end product of a year-long project led by guest editors beth marquis<\/a> <\/strong>and mick healey<\/strong><\/a>.\u00a0 beth, mick, and their late colleague sue vajoczki<\/strong><\/a> issued an international call for authors and, from that pool, selected 70 people from across the globe to form collaborative writing groups.\u00a0 for months, these authors worked at a great distance from each other to conceptualize and plan an article about the scholarship of teaching and learning (sotl), and then they gathered in person immediately before the october 2012 issotl conference in canada.\u00a0 (see my reflections on this gathering in a blog post.<\/a>)\u00a0 for these three days, the groups of eight crystallized their plans and began drafting together.\u00a0 on january 1, 2013, they submitted their collaboratively written essays to tli<\/em>, and my co-editor gary poole<\/a><\/strong> (psychology, university of british columbia) and i are thrilled to see its release this week.<\/p>\n

two graduate students from last year who have now moved on–erica hayden <\/strong>(2012-13 cft teaching affiliate, history) and adam wilsman<\/strong> (2012-13 cft graduate teaching fellow, history)–served as editorial managers of this issue, ushering each essay, its eight authors, the two guest editors, indiana university press, and gary and me through the entire publication process.<\/p>\n


the essays in this issue address the following topics–again, authored by collaborative writing groups from across the globe:<\/p>\n