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teaching writing workshop series: responding to student writing

sep. 16, 2019—over the course of the academic year, the writing studio leads a series of faculty workshops focused on different aspects of teaching writing. workshops provide participants with current research, strategies for best practices, and a forum for discussing how these approaches might be adapted to teaching writing in their disciplines. the teaching writing workshop series...

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graduate student/postdoc workshop: crafting an effective teaching statement

sep. 11, 2019—in this workshop, we will address best practices for writing a teaching statement/philosophy for the academic job market. this workshop is open to vanderbilt graduate students & postdocs from across the disciplines who want to improve their teaching portfolio materials. all teaching experience levels are welcome.   date: monday, september 16 time: 12:30-2:00 pm location:...

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need help using brightspace as you plan for fall classes?

aug. 16, 2019—as you prepare your fall courses, keep in mind all of the brightspace resources we offer here at the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分. july is a great time to get started! great news! brightspace now has an annotations tool for grading! learn more about how to use the tool with this guide: using the annotations tool. please visit our on-demand...

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take advantage of our last top hat virtual office hour before classes start!

aug. 15, 2019—interested in learning more about the new and advanced features of top hat? are you using top hat but have some questions regarding your specific use case? get help and answers about top hat during our virtual open office hour session. during these open sessions, you set the agenda! quintin peirce from top hat will...

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get help and answers to you top hat questions during our virtual office hours

aug. 14, 2019—interested in learning more about the new and advanced features of top hat? are you using top hat but have some questions regarding your specific use case? get help and answers about top hat during one of our virtual open office hour sessions. during these open sessions, you set the agenda! quintin peirce from top...

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just-in-time teaching conference – august 20th and 21st

jul. 11, 2018—it’s never too late to make a good decision, right?  although planning fall courses starts long before the start of classes, we recognize that many instructors are still making course design and implementation decisions right up to the wire.  that’s why we’re offering a variety of teaching workshops for vanderbilt instructors on august 20th and...

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need help using brightspace as you plan for fall classes?

jul. 9, 2018—as you prepare your fall courses, keep in mind all of the brightspace resources we offer here at the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分. if you prefer to peruse our on-demand resources on your own, we have a growing list of frequently asked questions that include step-by-step instructions and screenshots. if you want to sit down with...

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brightspace support and workshops for february

feb. 12, 2018—during drop-in hours, faculty and staff who have brightspace-related questions can stop by the workshop space of the cft (even without an appointment) and find a team of specialists ready to assist.  * we can get you up to speed with brightspace’s new features, assist with building your course content, or help you solve technical...

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learn about vanderbilt’s new classroom response system monday, sept. 11th

sep. 5, 2017—monday, september 11, 2-3pm if you think you might want to incorporate polling in your class, then this demo session is for you! top hat is the first classroom response system to be adopted campus-wide at vanderbilt. top hat is available to faculty, students, and staff across campus. in this web-based introductory session, kara dingboom,...

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teaching writing workshop series in september

aug. 29, 2017—the vanderbilt writing studio is offering the teaching writing workshop series. the workshops are geared toward supporting those who teach writing across the disciplines at 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地, and workshops are open to faculty and graduate students from all departments. contact megan minarich at for details. fostering writing and collaboration in the classroom thursday september...

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