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engaging ethically and actively in online communities

jan. 8, 2019—by chelsea yarborough, graduate teaching fellow, and derek bruff, director the cft’s learning community on teaching digital literacies concluded its fall conversation series on november 13th with a discussion of the ways instructors can help students participate productively in online communities. to get the conversation started, derek bruff, cft director, invited each of our three...

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upcoming conversations on digital pedagogy

mar. 18, 2015—interest in seeing what effective educational technology use looks like in practice is fueling a new series of conversations on teaching sponsored by the cft and the vanderbilt institute for digital learning (vidl). conversations on digital pedagogy, will feature vanderbilt instructors describing and reflecting on the ways they use educational technologies to enhance student learning....

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ask professor pedagogy: twitter as a learning network

jun. 28, 2013—ask professor pedagogy is a twice monthly advice column written by 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 staff. one aspect of our mission is to cultivate dialogue about teaching and learning, so we welcome questions and concerns that arise in the classroom; particularly those from vanderbilt faculty, students, and staff. if you have a question that you’d like...

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using twitter to talk about teaching

apr. 18, 2012—by cft director derek bruff if you’re skeptical about the value of twitter as a social networking platform, james lang’s latest chronicle of higher education column, “using twitter to talk about teaching,” is worth a read. lang was skeptical of twitter at first, but he has now embraced it as a source of ongoing professional...

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citing a tweet? bruff quoted in usa today article

mar. 12, 2012—ever wondered how to cite a tweet? or if it was even permitted? last week, the modern language association (mla), one of three major style sources for academic writing, released formal guidelines on how to cite tweets. an article about the new guidlines was featured in the tennessean and usa today in which the cft’s derek bruff...

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gradstep preview: natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics virtual panel

jan. 11, 2012—this year’s gradstep event will feature two simultaneous panels of recent phds who have made the transition from grad student to full-time faculty positions. they chose to work at institutions that are, in some ways, very different from vanderbilt. panelists include: tara davis is currently in her first year as an assistant professor of mathematics at hawaii...

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gradstep preview: humanities & social sciences virtual panel

jan. 10, 2012—what happens after a successful job search? this year’s gradstep event will feature two simultaneous panels of recent phds who have made the transition from grad student to full-time faculty jobs. they answered the “what next?” question, and will share their stories of stumbles and triumphs in these plenary sessions. panelists in the humanities and...

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