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‘teaching workshops’

reaching students through open pedagogy and digital media

jan. 24, 2022—in this workshop, participants will be invited to consider how they might pursue a more open pedagogy through the creation and sharing of digital media. andy wesolek, director of digital scholarship and scholarly communications at the vanderbilt libraries, will explore the practice of open pedagogy and the benefits it can bring to faculty and to...

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workshop: teaching with case studies

nov. 1, 2021—case studies are a signature pedagogy throughout the professions and increasingly across all liberal arts disciplines.  when used effectively, they can motivate students to learn deeply through meaningful, complex, and real-world scenarios, elevating anything from analytical thought to ethical reasoning, applied practices to theoretical critique. this workshop will explore how case studies are or can...

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workshop: decolonizing our teaching

oct. 26, 2021—the exhortation to “decolonize” our syllabi and our teaching more generally has become increasingly common across higher education in recent years. for its many advocates, decolonization can include a wide variety of practices, such as the acknowledgement of indigenous land claims, understanding how the culture of colonialism has shaped our disciplines, diversifying the canons of...

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aspire job search series: preparing for a teaching demo

oct. 18, 2021—how do you put together an effective teaching demonstration for a job interview? how is it different from a research seminar and how can you link the two? come learn about key considerations for developing this important piece of your interview portfolio. date: thursday, october 21 time: 11:00 location: light hall 419 bcd register ....

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upcoming workshop: teaching in stereo – strategies for class participation

aug. 20, 2021—  date: tuesday, august 24th time: 11:00am – 12:00pm location: cft classroom or zoom facilitator: derek bruff, cft director   zoom classes showed us that having students participate using their voices isn’t the only meaningful kind of participation. how can we take a more inclusive, accessible approach to class participation once we’re back in the classroom? join us in...

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active learning online: five key principles with stephen m. kosslyn

mar. 22, 2021—active learning leads to substantially better learning than occurs with traditional lecturing. this workshop will review the nature of active learning and explain why it is so effective. the workshop will focus on five fundamental principles drawn from the science of learning; these principles range from deep processing (the more mental effort one expends when...

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let’s talk about love: bridging the gap between the affective and cognitive domains

feb. 8, 2021—in this workshop, we will dissect the construct of love and examine how it may manifest itself in our teaching and learning experiences. we will then apply the construct of love through the lens of cognitive psychologist robert gagne specifically his nine events of instruction that can be used as a connecting bridge between the...

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wish you could have attended one of our january events?

feb. 3, 2021—last month, the cft hosted workshops and conversions on a wide variety of teaching topics. if you weren’t able to attend, you don’t have to miss out! we have recordings of many of our past events available on our website. topics include: synchronous sessions in online courses hybrid courses: approaches to engage your virtual and f2f...

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upcoming workshop: self-compassionate teaching: putting on your oxygen mask first

jan. 21, 2021—the pandemic has impacted the teaching and learning experiences of both faculty and students. this interactive workshop will provide a space for faculty to pause and focus on themselves. we will offer an overview of self-compassion and practical ways to apply it to daily life; including a facilitated discussion on how this applies to teaching....

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upcoming workshop: setting classroom expectations

jan. 15, 2021—communicating classroom expectations helps to set a strong foundation for a mutually beneficial course. this interactive workshop will cover strategies for setting clear expectations for student engagement and learning in face-to-face and online settings. this workshop is open to all vanderbilt graduate students and postdocs, and those serving as teaching assistants or instructors of record...

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