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‘teaching documentation’

reflecting on and documenting your teaching effectiveness

jul. 23, 2010—with the academic year drawn to a close, now is a good time to reflect on teaching experiences while they’re still fresh.   at a recent cft workshop, 23 faculty gathered to do just that, exploring how to write about teaching, why it’s important to do so, audiences and purposes for such reflections, and concrete strategies...

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the teaching portfolio: a practical guide to improved performance and promotion/tenure decisions, 3rd edition

may. 1, 2010—the teaching portfolio:  a practical guide to improved performance and promotion/tenure decisions, 3rd edition, by peter seldin, anker publishing co., 2004. from the foreword… since the publication of the first edition of this best-selling guide, tens of thousands of faculty have used the teaching portfolio: a practical guide to improved performance and promotion/tenure decisions to prepare...

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are teaching statements bunk?

feb. 25, 2010—in a recent chronicle of higher education opinion piece, kevin haggerty of the university of alberta asserts that teaching statements are bunk.  he argues that most teaching philosophy statements, written for the faculty job market or for promotion and tenure committees, are filled with platitudes about teaching so vague that they don’t communicate anything about...

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