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‘students as producers’

catch up on the leading lines podcast

may. 16, 2022—the leading lines podcast team produced 2 new episodes in the last month with instructors who are finding ways to use games and social media as tools for learning.   episode 110 – patrick real patrick rael is a professor of history at bowdoin college in maine. he specializes in african-american history, the civil war...

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excellence in (student) podcasting submissions now open

jan. 24, 2022—the robert penn warren center for the humanities is sponsoring the second annual excellence in podcasting competition, in collaboration with the office of immersion resources and the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分. we had really fantastic student submissions last year, and you can listen to the winning submissions on our podcast vandyvox. if you know of students...

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excellence in podcasting competition

may. 12, 2021—have any of your students produced excellent work in audio form this year? maybe you included a podcasting assignment in your course, or you let students choose their medium for a creative assignment and one of them made an audio documentary. or maybe you’re a student who tried your hand at academic podcasting recently. the excellence...

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celebration of learning spotlight: the smiler: a case study in roller coaster safety

aug. 26, 2020—on february 13, 2020, the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 held a celebration of learning, an exhibition of students as producers. the event featured students from all over campus sharing what they learned, created, designed, and discovered. each year millions of riders brave the courses of the world’s 5,000 roller coasters, but should passengers feel unsafe riding these behemoths of twisted...

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celebration of learning spotlight: progress of sustainable fashion in our daily lives

jul. 15, 2020—on february 13, 2020, the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 held a celebration of learning, an exhibition of students as producers. the event featured students from all over campus sharing what they learned, created, designed, and discovered. madeline repath, angelica park,  mathilde caindec’s project was two parts: a sustainability guide and a reflection. each team made a guide that encourages students...

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celebration of learning spotlight: martin c.k. shade: an interactive twine narrative

jun. 10, 2020—on february 13, 2020, the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 held a celebration of learning, an exhibition of students as producers. the event featured students from all over campus sharing what they learned, created, designed, and discovered. martin c.k. shade is an interactive narrative (if) dylan kistler built in the free program known as twine. it seeks to blend narratorial and procedural...

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celebration of learning spotlight: mahler as editor, the 1899 vienna hofoper production of bärenhäuter

apr. 14, 2020—on february 13, 2020, the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 held a celebration of learning, an exhibition of students as producers. the event featured students from all over campus sharing what they learned, created, designed, and discovered. chet humphries’ project examines archival sources he worked with in vienna (mahler’s performance materials from the 1899 production of siegfried wagner’s bärenhäuter) and tries...

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celebration of learning spotlight: gocheck kids superuser training and global expansion

mar. 11, 2020—on february 13, 2020, the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 held a celebration of learning, an exhibition of students as producers. the event featured students from all over campus sharing what they learned, created, designed, and discovered. alexa levitt led an initiative to bring early vision screening to underserved areas where preventable vision issues are currently the most debilitating using the...

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celebration of learning: an exhibition of students as producers

feb. 10, 2020—this thursday,  february 13, the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 will hold a celebration of learning, an exhibition of students as producers. the event will feature students from all over campus sharing what they have learned, created, designed, and discovered. drop in between 2 and 4pm on the second floor of alumni hall for a picture of deep learning across the colleges and...

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from the director

feb. 3, 2020—it’s february, which means it’s time for the cft’s annual celebration of learning! this is one of my favorite events of the year, an exhibition of student projects from around campus. the cft staff and i often help faculty take a “students as producers” approach to their course and assignment design, and it’s exciting to see the fruits of...

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