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teaching innovations at vanderbilt: allison leich hilbun and student mini-lectures

mar. 4, 2019—by faith rovenolt, cft undergraduate intern dr. allison leich hilbun, senior lecturer in biological sciences, teaches bsci 3270: statistical methods in biology, also called biostatistics. dr. leich hilbun loves teaching biostatistics, as i witnessed firsthand when i took her class last semester. she pairs her genuine excitement for sharing the material with various activities and assignments...

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physics forman lecture: youtube’s ‘physics girl’ discusses using videos in science outreach feb. 28

feb. 19, 2019—dianna cowern, from youtube’s the physics girl, will be featured at a talk on thursday, feb. 28, in the stevenson center, room 4309. the event will begin at 4 p.m. and is open to the vanderbilt community. it is the department of physics and astronomy’s 2019 guy and rebecca forman lecture in science education. youtube was originally conceived...

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one bold-fellows journey from cellular platelet biologist to discovery science educator

jun. 8, 2017—by kendra oliver, ph.d. postdoctoral research fellow, department of nephrology and hypertension and former cft bold fellow only a few days after my graduation with a ph.d. in pharmacology, i had the opportunity to attend the bold fellows annual presentation session. over the next hour, i heard from fellows from many different disciplines describe innovating...

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bold program instructional materials reach over 2500 vanderbilt students, 65,000 others

may. 17, 2017—how do you find your way to safety when you’re sailing and the gps fails? how do you determine whether a child’s babbling indicates that her language is developing as you would expect? what effect does decreased breathing rate have on blood ph, and why? if you’re designing a heat engine and are choosing between...

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evidence-based stem teaching: free online courses launch september 19th

sep. 1, 2016—the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分, in collaboration with colleagues from several other universities, is offering two free online courses on evidence-based stem (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) teaching this fall. both courses launch on monday, september 19th, with course materials available in preview mode on september 15th. if you are a current or future stem faculty...

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new and continuing learning communities at the cft

aug. 16, 2016—by derek bruff, cft director the cft hosts a number of learning communities, intended for members of vanderbilt’s teaching community interested in meeting over time to develop deeper understandings and richer practices around particular teaching and learning topics.  this year’s learning communities are: teaching and social class – the cft continues its attention to issues...

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multi-disciplinary panel discussion on diversity in stem

may. 26, 2016—on june 8, 2016 at 2:30 pm ct, there will be an all-star group of black scholars assembled for a candid conversation on the challenges and the potential solutions to address diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (stem).  directly after the panel discussion, there will be a reception in the lobby of the wyatt...

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bold fellow presents at the american geophysical union fall meeting

mar. 17, 2016—  by dani picard, cft graduate teaching fellow samantha tramontano, a graduate student in earth & environmental science and cft bold fellow, presentedher research on online instructional materials at the 2015 american geophysical union fall meeting, which took place in san francisco in december. samantha developed videos and online quizzes to help undergraduate geology students develop microscopy...

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bold fellows program helps develop online instruction

jan. 26, 2016—vanderbilt’s 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 and the cirtl network (center for the integration of research, teaching, and learning) share a mission to enhance excellence in undergraduate teaching. the cft and cirtl are partnering to offer the bold fellows program, which is support by nsf grant due-1231286 to the cirtl network. spring 2016 bold fellow teams     l to...

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bold fellows program now accepting applications for 2016

nov. 10, 2015—the bold fellows program is designed to help graduate student/faculty teams build expertisein developing online instructional modules grounded in good course design principles and our understanding of how people learn. stem faculty members partner with graduate students or postdocs to design and develop online modules for integration into a course, either as a tool to promote flipping the classroom, a module...

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