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student success in introductory stem courses

apr. 1, 2022—chris rasmussen, professor of mathematics education at san diego state university, is giving a talk titled “insights from two national studies of precalculus through calculus 2” on april 15th from 12:10 to 1:00pm. while the talk is part of the department of mathematics colloquium, it is likely to be of interest to faculty outside of...

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cset mini-conference improving science communication: the promise of science and humanities collaborations – march 18

mar. 3, 2022—the communication of science and technology program announces a mini-conference to foster science/humanities collaborations around teaching. see the mini-conference schedule and description of talks by radiolab founder jad abumrad and communication professor leah ceccarelli, who originated the idea of the “scientist citizen.” cset mini-conference improving science communication: the promise of science and humanities collaborations student...

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promoting persistence in stem learning community: resources and reflections

sep. 28, 2021—stem disciplines have long been concerned with disparities between underrepresented and well-represented student groups and the associated “pipeline” problem, where underrepresented students are more likely to switch away from stem majors. in 2020-2021, a group of about twenty faculty from eight departments met biweekly to consider ways to address this problem individually and collectively. members...

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microbiome venture fund seeking proposals

jul. 27, 2021—vanderbilt faculty, staff, and students can now apply for the vanderbilt microbiome initiative venture fund, which supports microbiome scholarship spanning research, education, outreach, art, ethics, law and policy development, among others. the vanderbilt microbiome initiative venture fund is an opportunity for all vanderbilt faculty, staff, trainees and students to apply for pilot funding of a project...

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promoting persistence in stem learning community

jun. 10, 2021—  stem disciplines have long been concerned with disparities between underrepresented and well-represented student groups and the associated “pipeline” problem, where underrepresented students are more likely to switch away from stem majors. a group of about eighteen faculty from eight departments met throughout 2020-2021 to explore approaches to increasing equity and inclusion in their courses...

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never going back: what online teaching in the times of covid can add to our teaching toolkits – katie clements

feb. 24, 2021—by mohammad meerzaei a new arrangement of lectures and reading assignments: dr. katie clements, senior lecturer in chemistry teaching first-year writing courses, dr. clements found herself in an especially demanding situation when shifting to online teaching. not only did she have to manage a swift transition to online teaching, but she also had to help...

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bold fellow deb levy and mentor james booth share findings on their online module to help build critical skills in scientific reading

jan. 26, 2021—a difficult trade-off in scientific writing is the balance between accessibility and accuracy; scholarly science writing is often so meticulously accurate that it becomes inaccessible, while popular science writing is often so accessible that it can’t be accurate. the ability to effectively read, evaluate, and create scientific writing in all of its forms – scientific...

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striving towards inclusion in academic biology spring webinar series

jan. 12, 2021—the webinar series on striving towards inclusion in academic biology continues this spring with nine seminars focusing on different elements of inclusion. while the series is supported by the society for advancement of biology education research and targets academic biology, the webinars are led by scholars from a variety of disciplines (including anjali forber-pratt, department...

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the traveling stanzas: poets for science

jan. 31, 2020—the traveling stanzas is an interactive exhibit that will be on display in the lobby of buttrick hall from monday, feb 3rd at 12 pm until wednesday, feb 5th at 4pm.  the wick poetry center at kent state university has driven innovation and generated national distinction for over three decades through its award-winning traveling stanzas project,...

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town hall: branches from the same tree: the integration of the humanities and arts with science, engineering, and medicine in higher education

jan. 30, 2020—on feb 4th in the student life center, the national academies of science, engineering, and medicine  and 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 will hold a town hall – branches from the same tree: the integration of the humanities and arts with science, engineering, and medicine in higher education.  the town hall will be held on feb 4th with a...

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