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‘social media’

five ideas for mobile learning (#edusprint)

may. 9, 2011—by cft assistant director derek bruff during the last week of april, educause, a nonprofit organization that promotes and supports the use of information technology in higher education, hosted the mobile computing sprint, a five-day series of online events on the use of mobile computing in higher education. although some of the discussion was directed...

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revolution or evolution? how should higher ed change in response to social technologies?

jan. 26, 2011—by derek bruff, cft assistant director back in november, jim julius of san diego state university and dwayne harapnuik of abilene christian university and i presented a session titled “revolution or evolution? social technologies and pedagogical change” at the 2010 pod network conference. we structured the session so that most of the time was spent...

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developing intercultural competency through blogging – a conference report

jan. 24, 2011—by derek bruff, cft assistant director back in november i attended the 30th annual lilly conference on college teaching at miami university in ohio. i thought i’d share some session highlights with my vanderbilt colleagues. here’s the second in a series of posts about the conference. blogs as a unique environment for critical thinking and...

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video – crafting a professional digital identity

jan. 14, 2011—back in october, the cft co-sponsored with university web communications a session titled “crafting a professional digital identity: faculty and social media.” the session featured a discussion of ways faculty members can avoid the pitfalls of engaging in social media (facebook, twitter, blogs, and so on) while using those tools to enhance their professional work....

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faculty and social media – some resources

oct. 25, 2010—in advance of today’s conversation on teaching, “crafting a professional digital identity: faculty and social media,” here are a few resources on the topic, including those shared by panelists lacy tite and melanie moran (university web communications) and derek bruff (cft). vu social media handbook – a guide for vanderbilt faculty and staff on using...

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10/25 workshop: crafting a professional digital identity: faculty and social media

oct. 18, 2010—time & date: 4:10 – 5:30 p.m., monday, october 25 facilitator: derek bruff, assistant director, cft audience: faculty, graduate and professional students, post-docs, and staff panelists: melanie moran, director, web communications, and associate director, news service; and lacy tite, web developer / designer, web communication social media—facebook, linkedin, twitter, blogs, and so on—give us plenty...

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10/13 workshop: tools for creating a back channel in your classroom

oct. 6, 2010—time & date: 12:15 – 12:45 p.m., wednesday, october 13 location: online facilitator: rhett mcdaniel, educational technologist, cft audience: faculty, graduate and professional students, post-docs, and staff “what did he just say?” “where in the reading was that?” “this seems related to what she mentioned last week.” back channels has always existed but, up until...

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using twitter to learn about teaching

may. 10, 2010—you may have heard of the micro-blogging service twitter as a way to share what you had for breakfast or to hear the latest news from celebrities like ashton kutcher.  those kinds of things happen on twitter, but twitter is also a great way to expand your personal learning network—the people and resources you use...

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highlights from last week’s workshop on digital writing

feb. 15, 2010—during last week’s “digital writing: using social media to enhance the teaching of writing” workshop, cft assistant director derek bruff tweeted some highlights from the panelist remarks and subsequent conversation.  for those of you not following the cft on twitter, you’ll find derek’s comments below.  please also visit the online “home base” for the workshop...

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episode 10 – podcasting 101 (part 2)

jul. 17, 2008—this episode features audio recorded during a march 2008 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 workshop titled “podcasting: what is it and why would you want to do it?” we’re splitting this workshop over two podcast episodes. the previous episode featured a discussion of the roles podcasting can play in and out of the classroom in the service...

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