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‘social media’

catch up on the leading lines podcast

jun. 23, 2022—by cft digital media services the leading lines podcast team produced 3 new episodes in the last month that offer keen insights into learning across online environments, social media, and board games.   episode 110 – patrick rael patrick rael is a professor of history at bowdoin college in maine. patrick is also a gamer,...

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catch up on the leading lines podcast

may. 16, 2022—the leading lines podcast team produced 2 new episodes in the last month with instructors who are finding ways to use games and social media as tools for learning.   episode 110 – patrick real patrick rael is a professor of history at bowdoin college in maine. he specializes in african-american history, the civil war...

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physics forman lecture: youtube’s ‘physics girl’ discusses using videos in science outreach feb. 28

feb. 19, 2019—dianna cowern, from youtube’s the physics girl, will be featured at a talk on thursday, feb. 28, in the stevenson center, room 4309. the event will begin at 4 p.m. and is open to the vanderbilt community. it is the department of physics and astronomy’s 2019 guy and rebecca forman lecture in science education. youtube was originally conceived...

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from the stacks…

dec. 6, 2012—social media for educators: strategies and best practices by tanya joosten faculty will learn to choose the appropriate social media tool for the intended learning outcome, design engaging and innovative activities, and better meet pedagogical needs. in addition, the author offers strategies for assessing and documenting the effectiveness of using these tools in your course....

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using twitter to talk about teaching

apr. 18, 2012—by cft director derek bruff if you’re skeptical about the value of twitter as a social networking platform, james lang’s latest chronicle of higher education column, “using twitter to talk about teaching,” is worth a read. lang was skeptical of twitter at first, but he has now embraced it as a source of ongoing professional...

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free webinar with howard rheingold march 22

mar. 20, 2012—the new media consortium will be hosting a free webinar on thursday, march 22 with howard rheingold. rsvp for this live event. rheingold is the author of best-sellers virtual reality, the virtual community, smart mobs, net smart, and editor of best-seller the millennium whole earth catalog which takes audiences on a journey through the human side of the technology-shaped future.  in rheingold’s...

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citing a tweet? bruff quoted in usa today article

mar. 12, 2012—ever wondered how to cite a tweet? or if it was even permitted? last week, the modern language association (mla), one of three major style sources for academic writing, released formal guidelines on how to cite tweets. an article about the new guidlines was featured in the tennessean and usa today in which the cft’s derek bruff...

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writing in space: collaborative writing in a digital age, november 7th

nov. 3, 2011—cft acting director derek bruff will be a panelist at a vanderbilt writing studio event monday, november 7th, from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. in the commons multipurpose room 237. details below… how do networked technologies open new, collaborative possibilities for the way we write? please join us for a virtual discussion on innovative practices in...

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twitter as an enabler of critical thinking

oct. 18, 2011—this is a guest post by corbette doyle, a lecturer in leadership, policy & organizations, and steph milne, her ta. in addition to her ta role, steph recently earned her undergraduate degree and is currently a second-year graduate student in lpo. this thursday, october 20th, at 4:00 p.m., corbette and steph will be discussing their...

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tweeting the #cft25ann – expanding participation at the center’s 25th anniversary symposium

sep. 21, 2011—by dan morrison, cft graduate teaching fellow this post is part of our series of posts related to the cft’s 25th anniversary. i tweeted 70 times during the cft’s 25th anniversary events the other week. for the uninitiated, twitter is a micro-blogging service that allows users to transmit messages of up to 140 characters via...

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