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cft concludes latest online course design institute

jun. 16, 2021—to help faculty prepare for teaching this summer, we offered an online course design institute (ocdi). the institute was a revised and updated version of the institute that the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 offered in summer 2020 to more than 500 participants. participants worked in three cohorts led by cft senior staff members cynthia brame, julaine...

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online course design institute

apr. 12, 2021—this one-week hands-on online course development institute (ocdi) will take place from may 17th through 21st. participants will be guided through a systematic step-wise approach to designing an online course and facilitating synchronous and asynchronous interactions.  participants will be equipped to make design decisions that support student engagement, meaningful learning and assessments, and equity and inclusivity. this...

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register for our latest online course design institute!

oct. 7, 2020—this structured professional development opportunity for vanderbilt faculty, grad students, and other instructors will explore effective practices in online education and help instructors plan their upcoming online courses. for those who weren’t able to take the intensive version of the ocdi in the summer, there is still time to join this fully online, five week...

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from the director

sep. 7, 2020—this summer i marked 15 years on staff at the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分. looking back at those 15 years, i can’t remember any season as busy or as fulfilling as this summer. with hundreds of vanderbilt instructors looking ahead to an uncertain fall, the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 launched new programs to help our community prepare...

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apply now for the online course design institute

jul. 7, 2020—the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 invites vanderbilt faculty, postdocs, and graduate students to apply to its new online course design institute, a two-week online experience intended to help participants prepare to teach an online course. the online course design institute will be offered multiple times this summerand we are now accepting applications. you can hear more about...

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leading lines podcast: cynthia brame talks about how the online course design institute helps vanderbilt faculty get ready to teach online

jun. 9, 2020—the leading lines podcast has released the latest pisode exploring the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on higher education. this time we are speaking with the cft’s own cynthia brame about the online course design institute that was launched in may to help vanderbilt faculty get ready to teach online this summer and possibly this...

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apply now for the online course design institute

jun. 2, 2020—the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 invites vanderbilt faculty, postdocs, and graduate students to apply to its new online course design institute, a two-week online experience intended to help participants prepare to teach an online course. the online course design institute will be offered multiple times this summer and we are now accepting applications. during the institute participants will:...

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apply now for the online course design institute

may. 5, 2020—the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 invites vanderbilt faculty, postdocs, and graduate students to apply to its new online course design institute, a two-week online experience intended to help participants prepare to teach an online course. the online course design institute will be offered multiple times this summer and we are now accepting applications for our late may and june...

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