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technological tools and methods for teaching premodern japanese materials: christopher m. mayo

nov. 2, 2017—a blog series by bryan lowe, assistant professor of religious studies, religious traditions of japan and korea     at the association of asian studies annual meeting this past march, i organized a roundtable entitled: “digital pedagogy for the analog past: technological tools and methods for teaching premodern japanese materials.” the idea was to have...

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student notetaking for recall and understanding: a lit review review

feb. 27, 2014—by derek bruff, cft director. cross-posted from derek’s blog, agile learning. i’m giving a talk on sketchnotes in the classroom next week at indiana university. (i’m following john (engaging ideas) bean in their speakers series, which is just a little bit intimidating.) i’ve been using sketchnotes for my own notetaking practice since 2011, and i’ve...

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