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‘junior faculty’

junior faculty spotlight: kanah lewallen

dec. 17, 2017—each month, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, kanah lewallen, nursing, talks about their teaching philosophy and interests. within the school of nursing, i have the pleasure to instruct students in the adult gerontological primary care and family nurse practitioner programs. my teaching philosophy is primarily focused...

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junior faculty spotlight: teresa dunleavy

dec. 15, 2017—each month, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, teresa dunleavy, teaching & learning, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. i am a learner. i am a teacher. i am a teacher educator. in my work, i strive toward equity in mathematics education. these identities are a...

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junior faculty spotlight: sara mayeux

nov. 7, 2017—each month, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, sara mayeux, law, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. sara mayeux i teach constitutional law ii, which is a large, upper-level law school course focused primarily on the fourteenth amendment, including equal protection and due process, and individual...

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junior faculty spotlight: jannyse starks

oct. 30, 2017—each month, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, jannyse starks talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. i teach in 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 school of nursing’s (vusn) family nurse practitioner (fnp) program. through the fnp program, we prepare registered nurses to provide comprehensive primary care to individuals across...

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junior faculty spotlight: michiru lowe

oct. 10, 2017—each month, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month michiru lowe of asian studies talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. i have previously taught at japanese schools in japan and new jersey from school age children to senior community members before i came to vanderbilt. at any...

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cft proudly welcomes the 2017 cohort of junior faculty teaching fellows!

aug. 16, 2017—left to right: brett byrum (biomedical engineering), christopher caldelaria (leadership, policy, and organizations), teresa dunleavy (teaching & learning), nicolette kostiw (center for latin american studies), kanah lewallen (nursing), shihong lin (civil and environmental engineering), michiru lowe (asian studies), sara mayeux (law), natasha mcclure (nursing), marzia milazzo (english), mary lauren pfieffer (nursing), jannyse starks (nursing), claudine...

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junior faculty spotlight: jessica oster

mar. 7, 2017—each month, the cft highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, jessica oster, earth and environmental sciences, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. global climate change is among the most serious and complex issues of our time, especially as it is projected to cause serious but uncertain changes in the...

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apply to be a junior faculty teaching fellow!

apr. 6, 2016—we are now accepting applications for 2016-17. the cft’s junior faculty teaching fellows program is designed to help you: learn from the teaching experiences of colleagues at vanderbilt. • develop skills that will enable you to analyze and improve your teaching over time. • enjoy the community of teachers at vanderbilt. • learn to balance...

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junior faculty teaching fellow spotlight: anita disney

dec. 8, 2015—  each month, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, anita disney, psychology, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. anita disney for many of our students, college will be their last engagement with structured learning. from the point of graduation forward, the extent to which we grow...

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junior faculty teaching fellow spotlight: anna richmond, nursing

oct. 19, 2015—each month, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month anna richmond, nursing,  talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. anna richmond i teach clinical and didactic nursing courses to family nurse practitioner students at the 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 school of nursing. i also co-teach a course in interprofessional education to...

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