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‘junior faculty’

junior faculty spotlight: colleen moss

may. 1, 2022—each year, the cft blog highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, colleen moss, school of nursing, talks about some of the lessons she has gained from the fellowship. as an early career faculty member, the learning curve is steep. there are many facets to consider when revising or redesigning a course. the...

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junior faculty spotlight: sayil camacho

may. 1, 2022—each year, the cft blog highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, sayil camacho, peabody college, talks about some of the lessons she has gained from the fellowship. latinas make up less than 1 percent of all full professors in the professoriate. as a latina, former undocumented person, and non-native english speaker, i navigate...

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junior faculty spotlight: mindy johnson

mar. 25, 2022—each year, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, melinda johnson, school of nursing, talks about some of the lessons she has gained from the fellowship. my time in the jftf has been insightful and transformative to my teaching practice. our small group seminars have provided me with a new colleague support...

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junior faculty spotlight: ibby cizmar

feb. 25, 2022—each year, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, ibby cizmar, assistant professor of theatre specializing in acting and directing, talks about some of the lessons she has gained from the fellowship. through the jftf program i have established connections with colleagues across disciplines and identified overlapping challenges across fields.having a...

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junior faculty spotlight: hannah kestner

jan. 28, 2022—each year, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, hannah kestner, school of nursing, talks about some of the lessons she has gained from the fellowship. as a member of the nursing cohort of junior faculty teaching fellows, i have gained so much knowledge from my fellow nursing colleagues over...

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junior faculty spotlight: janelle m. delle

nov. 18, 2021—each year, the cft blog highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, janelle delle, nursing, talks about some of the lessons she has gained from the fellowship. when i first began my teaching career 5 years ago, i had no idea what to expect of myself or the students, nor what...

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cft proudly welcomes the 
new cohort of junior faculty teaching fellows

jul. 22, 2021—l to r: michael byrne (medicine), maria sayil camacho (leadership, policy and organizations), elizabeth cizmar (theatre), thomas clements (biological sciences), romina del bosque (biomedical engineering), janelle delle (nursing), seok bae jang (asian studies), melinda johnson (nursing), antonia kaczkurkin (psychology), hannah kestner (nursing),colleen moss (nursing), piran kidambi (biomolecular engineering), autumn kujawa (psychology and human development), michelle...

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junior faculty spotlight: daniela d’eugenio

jul. 20, 2020—each year, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, daniela d’eugenio, french & italian, talks about some of the most useful lessons she has learned from the fellowship. as a senior lecturer of italian in the department of french and italian and affiliated faculty for the certificate in second language studies, i...

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the cft acknowledges these junior faculty who participated in the jftf program this year!

jun. 22, 2020—l to r: audrey bowden (biomedical engineering), daniela d’eugenio (french & italian), misty evans (nursing), gautam hans (law), brittany haskell (nursing), allison leich hilbun (biological sciences), clinton leonard (nursing), elliott mccarter (asian studies), justus ndukaife (electrical engineering & computer science), ipek oguz (electrical engineering & computer science), jennifer ridgway (nursing), letizia smith (nursing), kim steanson (nursing), denis zhernokleyev (german, russian and east european studies) we want to thank 2019-2020 junior faculty teaching fellows for a great year thinking about teaching together,...

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junior faculty spotlight: jennifer ridgway

may. 18, 2020—each month, the cft highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, jennifer ridgway, nursing, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. engaging in the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分’s (cft) junior faculty teaching fellowship (jftf) has become one of the greatest growth opportunities in my professional development as faculty.  one of my primary goals in participating in this...

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