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‘internal teaching grant spotlight’

educational advancement fund spotlight: “improv for language learning and promoting intellectual risk-taking.”

sep. 30, 2021—divya chaudhry, senior lecturer in asian studies recently told us about her grant from the educational advancement fund, which is title, “improv for language learning and promoting intellectual risk-taking.” can you tell us about your project and what inspired you to do it? i seek to study the impact of improvisational theater (henceforth improv) on...

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course improvement grant spotlight: choral library modernization

sep. 23, 2021—tucker biddlecombe, associate professor of choral studies and director of choral activities, recently talked with cft assistant director julaine fowlin about his course improvement grant, “choral library modernization.”   the vanderbilt library has a collection of choral music that has been kept for many years by a student organization chorus called the concert choir; this goes back...

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course improvement grant spotlight: “incorporating student feedback in introductory biology to increase learners’ sense of belonging”

sep. 16, 2021—jessica gilpin, senior lecturer in biological sciences, recently told us about her course improvement grant project, “incorporating student feedback in introductory biology to increase learners’ sense of belonging.”   can you tell us briefly about your project and what inspired you to do this project? as you know, the title of my project is, “incorporating...

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course improvement grant spotlight: “making innovative learning videos for elementary japanese classes”

sep. 9, 2021—nozomi imai, lecturer of asian studies, recently talked with cft assistant director julaine fowlin about her course improvement grant, “making innovative learning videos for elementary japanese classes.”   last year when we had to shift to remote and hybrid learning, nozomi created videos to allow her students to learn at their own pace and provide an...

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course improvement grant spotlight: “restoration and rehabilitation of vanderbilt fossil teaching collection”

sep. 2, 2021—neil kelley, assistant professor of earth and environmental sciences, recently talked to cft associate director cynthia brame about his course improvement grant, “restoration and rehabilitation of vanderbilt fossil teaching collection.” can you tell us briefly about your project and what inspired you to do this project? the project is a very long overdue project in...

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