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‘graduate students’

bold fellow kelly gilmore presents poster at american chemical society national meeting

sep. 12, 2016—kelly gilmore, a ph.d. student in the department of chemistry at vanderbilt, recently presented a poster of her bold fellows project at the 2016 american chemical society (acs) national meeting in philadelphia, pa, in august. kelly’s poster, entitled “establishing a foundation of acid-base chemistry using an interactive online module,” presented her research on an online...

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bold fellow kendra oliver presented on student blogs at 2016 experimental biology conference

jun. 1, 2016—kendra oliver, a phd student in pharmacology and a cft bold fellow, presented a poster on her bold project at the 2016 experimental biology conference in san diego in april. her poster, entitled “probing the use of web-logs (blogs) to promote student ownership,” presented her research on an online learning module she created through the...

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bold fellow and mentor present at the council of academic programs in communication sciences & disorders

may. 31, 2016—bold fellow hannah krimm and her faculty mentor, melanie schuele, associate professor of hearing & speech sciences, presented at the council of academic programs in communication sciences & disorders (capcsd) annual meeting in san antonio, texas in march. their talk, entitled “effect of an online learning module for transcription,” discussed the online learning module they...

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bold fellows program is accepting applications

apr. 7, 2016—we are recruiting graduate students to participate in the bold fellows program beginning in august 2016. the bold fellows program is designed to help graduate student/faculty teams build expertise in developing online instructional modules grounded in good course design principles and our understanding of how people learn. stem faculty members partner with graduate students or postdocs to design and develop online modules...

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crafting teaching statements workshop for graduate student & postdocs

feb. 8, 2016—in this workshop, we will address best practices for writing a teaching statement/philosophy for the academic job market. this workshop is open to vanderbilt graduate students & postdocs from across the disciplines who want to improve their teaching portfolio materials. all teaching experience levels are welcome. date: wednesday, february 10th time: 4:15-5:45pm location: center for...

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grad students, come work at the cft!

feb. 4, 2016—each year the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 (cft) hires a number of graduate students as part of its efforts to mentor and train graduate students, including those serving as teaching assistants or instructors of record here at vanderbilt as well as those interested in developing teaching skills for future faculty careers. the cft has several types...

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upcoming graduate student & postdoc teaching workshop: improv for the millennial learner – monday, dec 7th, 3:30-5:00pm

nov. 30, 2015—improv for the millennial learner facilitators: ben galina & jane hirtle, graduate teaching fellows, 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 date & time: monday, dec 7th, 3:30-5:00pm location: cft classroom, 1114 19th ave south, 3rd floor never far from an internet connection, today’s university students move indiscriminately between the online and physical realms. the presence of these “digital...

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upcoming teaching workshops for graduate students & postdocs

nov. 13, 2015—an enticing glimpse into your classroom: crafting an effective teaching portfolio in this workshop we will gather and select documentation to help capture your unique approach to teaching. as a participant, you will receive individualized feedback on your documents which will help you determine how best to describe your pedagogy and to discern which items...

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graduate fellow wins poster award at health professions education research day

nov. 5, 2015—hannah krimm, phd student in hearing & speech sciences and a bold fellow, recently received the blue ribbon poster award at the 2015 gerald s. gotterer health professions education research day (hperd). hannah’s poster, entitled “effect of an online learning module for transcription and phonological awareness,” is based on the study and development of the...

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upcoming graduate student & postdoc teaching workshop: inclusive teaching, wednesday, october 28th

oct. 18, 2015—inclusive teaching facilitators: richard coble & dani picard, graduate teaching fellows, 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 date & time: wednesday, oct 28th, 3:30-5:00pm location: cft classroom, 1114 19th ave south, 3rd floor what is an inclusive classroom? what practices and plans can instructors learn to promote classroom inclusivity? together, we will examine issues of power and identity...

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