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the flipped classroom

jan. 11, 2013—teaching affiliate emily marshall discusses the upcoming gradstep session: flipping the classroom   held in january each year, gradstep provides several workshops and discussions on teaching, learning, and professional development issues across the disciplines. this year’s line-up includes a session on alternative and non-academic careers featuring dr. ruth schemmer, assistant dean for career development.  registration and more details...

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gradstep 2013 plenary panel: networks of learning: online, in the community, and in student’s lives

jan. 9, 2013—gtf beth koontz discusses this year’s gradstep theme and plenary panel.   held in january each year, gradstep provides several workshops and discussions on teaching, learning, and professional development issues across the disciplines. this year’s line-up includes a session on alternative and non-academic careers featuring dr. ruth schemmer, assistant dean for career development.  registration and more...

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beyond the ivory tower: alternative and non-academic career choices

jan. 4, 2013—gtf adam wilsman discusses the upcoming gradstep session: beyond the ivory tower: alternative and non-academic career choices. held in january each year, gradstep provides several workshops and discussions on teaching, learning, and professional development issues across the disciplines. this year’s line-up includes a session on alternative and non-academic careers featuring dr. ruth schemmer, assistant dean...

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spatial teaching

dec. 10, 2012—gtf beth koontz discusses the potential for teaching with spatial technologies in the college classroom. held in january each year, gradstep provides several workshops and discussions on teaching, learning, and professional development issues across the disciplines. this year’s line-up includes a session on teaching with spatial analysis tools: adding spatial dimensions to teaching led by...

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save the date: gradstep january 26, 2013

dec. 3, 2012—held in january each year, gradstep provides several workshops and discussions on teaching, learning, and professional development issues across the disciplines. all vanderbilt graduate and professional students, as well as post-doctoral fellows, are invited to attend. gradstep 2013 will focus on the theme beyond four walls: transcending the classroom and will be held saturday, january...

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helping future faculty “come out” as teachers (pod essays on teaching excellence)

feb. 28, 2012—cft assistant director nancy chick previews an essay by mark r. connolly, university of wisconsin-madison, appearing in essays on teaching excellence published by the professional and organizational network in higher education. connolly places the experience of doctoral students interested in teaching into the context of his and others’ research on lgbtq students (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered,...

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gradstep recap: teaching portfolios

feb. 12, 2012—this blog post is written by leanna fuller, cft senior graduate teaching fellow. leanna led the teaching portfolio session at gradstep on january 21, 2012. i began my gradstep session on teaching portfolios by inviting participants to wrestle with the following question: “who are you in the classroom?” by asking this question, i wanted to...

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gradstep recap: humanities and social sciences panel

feb. 1, 2012—making the transition from student to professor: humanities and social sciences panel what happens after a successful job search? this year’s gradstep event featured two panels of recent phds who have made the transition from grad student to full-time faculty jobs. they answered the “what next?” question and shared their stories of stumbles and triumphs in...

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gradstep recap: syllabus construction

jan. 31, 2012—this blog post is written by dan morrison, a cft graduate teaching fellow. dan led the course & syllabus design session at gradstep on january 21, 2012. you can download the powerpoint andhandouts from this session. syllabus design: blueprints for learning instead of contracts after reviewing the basics of course design in the first half of my...

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gradstep recap: discussion leading

jan. 30, 2012—this blog post is written by william hardin, a cft graduate teaching fellow. bill led the leading effective discussions session at gradstep on january 21, 2012. you can download the powerpoint and handouts from this session. leading effective discussions getting students to talk, to really engage with one another, can be difficult. many are unsure of how...

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