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‘digital literacy’

faculty panel considers future of digital literacies on leading lines podcast

jun. 24, 2019—on leading lines, we usually talk with educators, researchers, and technologists about what they’re doing now, and ask them a question or two about where they’d like to see educational technology go in the next few years. in this episode, however, we’re going to camp out in the future. the vanderbilt 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 recently...

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a conversation on disability and digital literacies

mar. 11, 2019—as we teach various digital literacies, including critical consumption and multimodal production, how can we be inclusive of students with different abilities? . join us for a conversation about digital literacies, disability, and universal design for learning at the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 on friday, march 15th, from 12:10 to 1:30pm. . our panelists will be:...

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leading lines podcast featuring julia feerrar

nov. 16, 2018—in this episode, we hear from julia feerrar, head of digital initiatives at the virginia tech libraries. she speaks with producer melissa mallon about a framework for digital literacy that she helped develop, a framework that includes a variety of competencies, from discovery and evaluation, to communication and creation, to identity and well-being. julia and...

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natasha casey and spencer brayton featured in leading lines ed tech podcast

jun. 14, 2018—in this episode, the newest member of the leading lines team, melissa mallon, brings us an interview about teaching critical media literacy. the interview features natasha casey, a communications professor at blackburn college in illinois, and spencer brayton, library manager at waubonsee community college, also in illinois. while brayton was at blackburn college, he and...

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listen to the latest leading lines podcast with melissa mallon

mar. 13, 2018—in this episode, we feature an interview with one of our own. melissa mallon, director of the peabody library and director of liaison and instruction services here at vanderbilt, has a new book out, and my 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 colleague stacey johnson had a lively conversation with melissa about the book. part of melissa’s work...

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