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‘course design’

upcoming workshop: the flipped classroom

aug. 9, 2021—date: wednesday, august 11th time: 2:00-3:00pm facilitator: cynthia brame, cft associate director panelists: chris candelaria, leadership, policy, and organizations lars plate, biological sciences and chemistry heeryoon shin, history of art faculty panelists share lessons from pandemic teaching that will shape how they have students prepare for class and what they have them do in class this fall. register (a...

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goal-driven course design refined by data on students’ learning: a case study

mar. 3, 2021—goal-driven course design refined by data on students’ learning is a cornerstone of cft philosophy and practice. ethan joll, a graduate student in biomedical engineering, offers a compelling description of his own data- and goal-driven course design for a section of ta orientation. it’s a fantastic case study that highlights the value of gathering information from...

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upcoming conversation on teaching: accessibility and equity in course design

jan. 15, 2021—are you interested in learning how to create equitable online spaces that are accessible to all students? this interactive panel discussion will bring together members of the vanderbilt community who are experts on fostering accessibility in online learning spaces. panelists will share effective practices and creative approaches for building and implementing accessible courses online. participants...

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lessons from teaching in fall 2020: what to keep, what to ditch, and what to change

dec. 18, 2020—by cynthia brame, cft associate director this fall, i got the opportunity to teach online for the first time. i had been thinking about online teaching for several years because of my work in developing vanderbilt’s bold (blended and online learning design) fellows program.  but although i read about, thought about, and helped others with online teaching,...

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teaching workshops

jul. 23, 2020—these workshops focus on practical, concrete strategies for common teaching tasks, challenges, and opportunities.  these sessions draw on research-based best practices from the literature on teaching and learning and help participants consider ways to apply those best practices in their teaching. 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. please...

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structures for flex classrooms: pros, cons, and pedagogical choices

jun. 23, 2020—by cynthia brame, cft associate director as we head into the fall thinking about classes where we may have a combination of students who are physically and digitally present, i’ve been thinking about different ways to structure students’ time “in the classroom”. the first and most straightforward of these is to divide students into groups...

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leading lines podcast: cynthia brame talks about how the online course design institute helps vanderbilt faculty get ready to teach online

jun. 9, 2020—the leading lines podcast has released the latest pisode exploring the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on higher education. this time we are speaking with the cft’s own cynthia brame about the online course design institute that was launched in may to help vanderbilt faculty get ready to teach online this summer and possibly this...

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apply now for the online course design institute

may. 5, 2020—the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 invites vanderbilt faculty, postdocs, and graduate students to apply to its new online course design institute, a two-week online experience intended to help participants prepare to teach an online course. the online course design institute will be offered multiple times this summer and we are now accepting applications for our late may and june...

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teaching innovations at vanderbilt: leah marion roberts and student-driven course goals and expectations

may. 4, 2020—by faith rovenolt, cft undergraduate intern   during spring 2020, the teaching innovations at vanderbilt blog series will highlight teaching innovations that cft staff have implemented and evaluated in their own courses. as a student, i find it helpful when a course has clear goals. but while that helps guide student learning, what’s equally, if...

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teaching innovations at vanderbilt: chad carpenter and multi-step class problem solving

apr. 6, 2020—by faith rovenolt, cft undergraduate intern   during spring 2020, the teaching innovations at vanderbilt blog series will highlight teaching innovations that cft staff have implemented and evaluated in their own courses.   in teaching quantitative courses, it can be easy to fall into the trap of creating plug-and-chug problems for students. however, chad carpenter,...

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