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cft announce graduate teaching fellows for 2020-21

sep. 16, 2020—l to r abena boakyewa-ansah (history), amanda brockman (sociology), leah roberts (human & organizational development), and mohammad meerzaei (religion) the graduate teaching fellows provide a variety of services for vanderbilt’s graduate and professional students and postdocs, including one-on-one consultations on teaching issues and professional development, syllabus and course design, interpreting and responding to student evaluations, writing teaching statements, and engaging techniques such as discussion leading, lecturing,...

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updates to cft programming

apr. 15, 2020—with the campus move to remote teaching, learning, and work, the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 has made some changes to its previously planned programming. junior faculty teaching fellows – we are still taking applications for the next year’s cohort of fellows! applications are due thursday, april 30th. details on the jftf website. teaching consultations – we are still available...

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from the director

apr. 13, 2020—greetings from my home office, where i sit writing at the beautiful roll top desk i inherited from my father.  a lot has changed since our march newsletter, at vanderbilt, in middle tennessee, and around the world, but i don’t have to tell you that. we’re all figuring out how to teach and learn and...

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from the director

jan. 9, 2019—happy new year! we have a busy semester planned at the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分, with lots of opportunities for the vanderbilt teaching community to reflect on their teaching, to connect with colleagues, and to be inspired. here are just a few highlights… on february 4th, the cft will hold a celebration of learning, an exhibition...

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consultations for university courses and tips proposals

nov. 1, 2016—by derek bruff, cft director the office of the provost has issued a call for proposals for trans-institutional programs and university courses for 2017-2018. tips pre-proposals are due november 28th, and university course proposals are due december 12th. if you’re a faculty member thinking about a submission to either program, feel free to reach out...

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course design consultations for university course proposals

dec. 4, 2015—last month chancellor zeppos launched the university courses initiative, designed to promote cross-college teaching at vanderbilt.  these courses, taught by faculty outside of their home department or school or co-taught by faculty from different schools or colleges, will provide new opportunities for students at vanderbilt to consider big questions and hard problems from multiple perspectives....

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make the most of your course preparation time this summer

jun. 8, 2015—summer time is here, and many faculty members have a break from their usual schedules, a chance to slow down a bit and start planning their fall courses. if you have a breather, you may find this an opportune time to review and refresh your teaching plans and practices.  the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 is open...

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interpreting and making sense of course evaluations

dec. 22, 2014—as the semester draws to a close, our students are given the opportunity to provide us with potentially valuable feedback on our teaching and its effects on their learning.  you may find it challenging, however, to interpret what your end-of-semester course evaluations mean and decide how to act on them. the cft can help.  a...

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reflecting on and documenting your teaching experiences

jun. 6, 2014—reflecting on teaching:  what?  for whom?  why? often, the motivation to improve one’s teaching by revising practices or experimenting with new initiatives stems from reflection.  this reflection often focuses on feedback received from others, such as student evaluations or peer reviews.  reflection further involves one’s own assessment of experiences, through self-observation and activities that foster...

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make the most of your course preparation time this summer

jun. 5, 2014—summer time is here, and many faculty members have a break from their usual schedules, a chance to slow down a bit and start planning their fall courses. if you have a breather, you may find this an opportune time to review and refresh your teaching plans and practices.  the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 is open...

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