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‘cft programs’

exciting changes to the certificate in college teaching program!

jul. 15, 2019—in fall 2019, the cft will be rolling out exciting changes to the certificate in college teaching (cict) program. previously, we offered a certificate in college teaching (cict) and certificate in humanities teaching and learning (chtl) for vanderbilt graduate students and postdocs. the chtl shared a lot of core features of the cict in order...

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apply to be a junior faculty teaching fellow!

apr. 4, 2019—we are now accepting applications for the 2019-20 junior faculty teaching fellows program. the  program is designed to help you: learn from the teaching experiences of colleagues develop skills that will enable you to analyze and improve your teaching over time build a teaching community at vanderbilt learn to balance and integrate your teaching and...

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junior faculty spotlight: elizabeth self

mar. 7, 2019—each month, the cft highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, elizabeth self, teaching and learning, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. i have been a lecturer at peabody college in the department of teaching and learning for the last two years but have been at 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 for much...

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the cft acknowledges these junior faculty who participated in the jftf program this year!

may. 10, 2018—left to right: brett byrum (biomedical engineering), christopher caldelaria (leadership, policy, and organizations), teresa dunleavy (teaching & learning), nicolette kostiw (center for latin american studies), kanah lewallen (nursing), shihong lin (civil and environmental engineering), michiru lowe (asian studies), sara mayeux (law), natasha mcclure (nursing), marzia milazzo (english), mary lauren pfieffer (nursing), jannyse starks (nursing), claudine...

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apply to be a bold fellow!

apr. 24, 2018—want to create innovative online learning experiences? investigate the impact of the experience on your students’ learning and share the results with colleagues? the bold fellows program helps graduate students from all disciplines design and develop online learning experiences, from building online learning modules to fostering online spaces for their students to interact. each fellow...

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apply to be a junior faculty teaching fellow!

apr. 23, 2018—the cft is now accepting applications for the 2018-19 junior faculty teaching fellows program. the  program is designed to help you: learn from the teaching experiences of colleagues develop skills that will enable you to analyze and improve your teaching over time build a teaching community at vanderbilt learn to balance and integrate your teaching...

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how engaging in educational research influenced my teaching

mar. 5, 2018—by ryan bowen, cft graduate assistant when it came to teaching, i used to have intuitive sense about what effective instruction looked like in the classroom. i could walk into a room, deliver a lesson, facilitate an activity, and assess learning in some capacity. if my students met a certain performance standard or quantitative score...

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cft proudly welcomes the 2017 cohort of junior faculty teaching fellows!

aug. 16, 2017—left to right: brett byrum (biomedical engineering), christopher caldelaria (leadership, policy, and organizations), teresa dunleavy (teaching & learning), nicolette kostiw (center for latin american studies), kanah lewallen (nursing), shihong lin (civil and environmental engineering), michiru lowe (asian studies), sara mayeux (law), natasha mcclure (nursing), marzia milazzo (english), mary lauren pfieffer (nursing), jannyse starks (nursing), claudine...

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from the director

aug. 9, 2017—my daughters and i spent a few days in washington, dc, this summer. one highlight of the trip was watching my nine-year-old explore the national building museum. she likes to build dollhouses out of cereal boxes and craft sticks and hot glue, so a museum devoted to the built environment was her happy place. it...

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we are now accepting applications for the 2017-18 junior faculty teaching fellows program.

may. 9, 2017—we are now accepting applications for the 2017-18 junior faculty teaching fellows program. tenure-track and non-tenure track, full-time faculty who will be in their second through sixth year in 2017-2018 are eligible to apply. fellows will participate in a series of faculty development opportunities designed to enhance their teaching and build their teaching community. they...

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