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in defense of multiple-choice exam questions

mar. 8, 2010—cft assistant director derek bruff authored a guest post on the group blog profhacker last week.  in the post, he offered a defense of the use of multiple-choice questions on exams, arguing that they do more than save time grading.  he described the kinds of multiple-choice questions he includes on exams, ones that are tied...

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episode 18 – dealing with student misconceptions

nov. 3, 2009—in this episode, we feature a panel discussion with kathy friedman, assistant professor in the biological sciences department and ann kindfield, senior lecturer in the department of teaching and learning at peabody college. during this panel discussion, kathy friedman talks about student misconceptions she has encountered when teaching biological sciences and what she does to...

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episode 11 – todd giorgio on time-efficient teaching

nov. 7, 2008—this episode begins a new series here on the podcast, a series focusing on time-efficient teaching. faculty at a research university like vanderbilt must balance a number of competing demands on their time, including teaching, research, and service. for this series, we’re interviewing senior faculty members at vanderbilt and asking them to share ways they...

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