guojun wang
- asia 2606-01 martial tradition chin lit (2020u): the martial tradition in chinese literature
- the course will be open to visitors on june 16
- professor wang will host a zoom call tuesday, june 23, 2-3 pm
sign ups are closed for this course
thomas clements and jim pask
- bsci 1510-01 intro to biological sciences (2020u)
- the course will be open to visitors june 22
- professors clements and pask will host a zoom call thursday, june 25, 1-2 p.m.
sign ups are closed for this course
dani picard
- mhs 3120/5120 medicine, technology and society (2020u)
- the course will be open to visitors june 22
- professor picard will host a zoom call tuesday, june 30, 12:30-1:30
sign ups are closed for this course
andrea henrie
- sced 6250: advanced teaching of science in elementary schools
- the course will be open to visitors june 22
- no zoom call for this course
sign ups are closed for this course
lynn ramey and jonathan rattner
- fren 3230-01 french/francophone cinema (2020u)
- the course will be open to visitors june 22
- professors ramey and rattner will host a zoom call. date and time tbd.
sign ups are closed for this course
julie johnson
- cs3250: algorithms (2020u)
- the course will be open to visitors june 29
- professor johnson will host a zoom call monday, june 29, 12-1 p.m. visitors should attend this call before viewing the course so professor johnson can provide some guidance about what they will see and what pieces are still under construction.
sign ups are closed for this course
stacy clifford simplican
- wga 1150w-01: sex and gender in everyday life (2020u)
- the course will be open to visitors june 29
- professor simplican will host a zoom call wednesday, july 1, 1-2 p.m.
sign ups are closed for this course
meredyth wegener
- psy 3630-01: drugs & behavior (2020u)
- the course will be open to visitors june 30
- professor wegener will host a zoom call monday, july 6, 11 a.m.-12 noon
sign ups are closed for this course
brian kissel
sign ups are closed for this course
alex sargent
- thtr 2781: the history of fashion (2020u)
- the course will open to visitors july 1
- professor sargent will host a zoom call in july; exact date and time tbd
sign ups are closed for this course
heather luea
- econ 2300-01 money and banking (2020u)
- the course will open to visitors july 1
- professor sargent will host a zoom call in july; exact date and time tbd
sign ups are closed for this course
kristen navarro
- wgs 1160w-01 sex and society (2020u)
- the course will open to visitors july 1
- professor navarro will host a zoom call on monday, july 6. exact time tbd.
sign ups are closed for this course
tara todd and katie clements
- chem 2222-01-02: organic chemistry ii (2020u)
- the course will be open to visitors july 7
- professors todd and clements will host a zoom call friday, july 10, 2-3 p.m.
sign ups are closed for this course
leigh gilchrist
- hod 1300.01 small group behavior (2020u)
- the course will be open to visitors july 7
- professor gilchrist will host a zoom call in july; exact date/time tbd.
sign ups are closed for this course
divya chaudry
- hnur 1101: elementary hindi-urdu i (2020f)
- the course will be open to visitors july 13
- professor chaudry will host a zoom call on july 15, 11a.m.-12 noon.
sign ups are closed for this course
justin baba
- es 1401-03 intro to engr module 1 (2020f)
- the course will be open to visitors july 20
- professor baba will host a zoom call on july 27, 11a.m.-12 noon.
sign ups are closed for this course
ghina nakad absi
- ce2205-01 mechanics of materials (2020f)
- the course will be open to visitors july 27
- professor absi will host a zoom call on july 27, 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
sign ups are closed for this course
heather lefkowitz
- hod 2400-01 talent management and organizational fit (2020u)
- the course will be open to visitors july 27
- professor lefkowitz will host a zoom call, thursday, july 30, 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. to talk about changes she will make as she converts this summer course to a fall course.
sign ups are closed for this course
adriane seiffert
- psy 1200: general psychology (2020u)
- the course will be open to visitors july 30
- professor seiffert’s course has a “near-synchronous” format. visitors to this course will attend the synchronous zoom session from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. on july 30 and get to observe how the students move between discussion, individual and offline reading/video-watching, and other activities.
sign ups are closed for this course
neil kelley
- ees 2510 earth systems history (2020f)
- the course will be open to visitors august 1
- professor kelley will host a zoom call, date and time tbd.
sign ups are closed for this course
catherine mctamaney
- educ 1220: society, the school, and the teacher (2020f)
- the course will be open to visitors august 1
- professor mctamaney will host a zoom call, date and time tbd.
sign ups are closed for this course
catherine mctamaney
- hmed 2250: introduction to arts education (2020f)
- the course will be open to visitors august 1
- professor mctamaney will host a zoom call, date and time tbd.
sign ups are closed for this course
julie johnson
- cs3250: algorithms (2020u)
- the course will be open to visitors august 3
- professor johnson will host a zoom call monday, august 3, 1:30-2:30 p.m. visitors should attend this call before viewing the course. professor johnson will discuss how to use the discussion board in an otherwise “objective” class and what to do with your hybrid time next fall.
sign ups are closed for this course