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the center has a steadily growing library related to teaching and learning. all holdings are listed in vanderbilt’s online library catalog. these holdings address a variety of issues, and are particularly rich in the areas of active and collaborative learning, course design, assessment, educational theory, and professional development. below are some examples of the type of books available for check-out at the cft. (click on any book to see the acorn listing.)


following is a list of the journals to which the cft currently subscribes. these journals do not circulate, but vanderbilt affiliates are welcome to browse our holdings at 1114 19th avenue south. click on the button, where available, for electronic access to particular journals. click the journal name to visit that journal’s web site.

about campus
active learning in higher education
change: the magazine of higher learning
chronicle of higher education
college teaching
educause review
eq: educause quarterly
innovate – journal of online education free online
innovative higher education
journal of college science teaching
journal of higher education
journal on excellence in college teaching
liberal education
national teaching and learning forum
new directions for teaching & learning
peer review
teaching professor
to improve the academy
tesol (teachers of english to speakers of other languages) quarterly

past subscriptions

below is a list of journals to which the cft has subscribed in the past that are now available online through the vanderbilt central library. certain back issues of these journals (and others not listed here) are available for browsing at the cft library.

aahe bulletin
academic leader
educom review
innovative higher education
journal of legal education
new directions for higher education
new directions for institutional research
teaching in higher education

discipline-specific journals on teaching

many journal publishers and journal databases provide table-of-contents alert services by which you can sign up to receive emails listing the tables of contents of new issues of selected journals as they are published. using such services with teaching journals in your field is an efficient way of keeping up with teaching issues in your discipline.