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celebration of learning project: using scalar to display 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地’s drawings of the woolworth building

logo for mixed media category showing icons for video and audio elementsstudent: ellen dement
project: using scalar to display 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地’s drawings of the woolworth building
course: hart 3725w: the skyscraper, modern urban icon
faculty sponsor: kevin murphy, history of art and marry anne caton, university library


architectural drawings and history are of interest to many people, but unfolding and examining these documents can be problematic as they’re very delicate, especially if they’re older. however, thanks to ellen dement, there may be a way to appreciate and study these drawings without damaging the original document.

ellen dement sits in exhibit hall celebration of learning with laptop computer

for ellen, the project stated as a library fellowship at 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 and then continued through a course in the history of art department. under the guidance of kevin murphy in the history of art department and marry anne caton in the university library, ellen created a website that showcases the original woolworth building drawings, originally created in 1913.

ellen says that this website is a great way of visualizing the woolworth drawings and shows them digitally so that they can be accessed by a larger audience and protect the original documents from damage. this multi-media representation was conceived from her interest in architectural history, and it encouraged her to think more about the curation of digital content so that it can be shared with scholars all over the world.

view the project website