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leading lines podcast featuring ian bogost

dec. 5, 2019—bogost is the ivan allen college distinguished chair in media studies and professor of interactive computing at the george institute of technology. he’s an author of multiple books, an award-winning game designer, and a contributing writer at the atlantic. ian studies games by making games and is an incredibly deep thinker about an impressively broad...

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leading lines ed tech podcast featuring andrew wesolek

oct. 23, 2019—andrew wesolek is the director of digital scholarship and scholarly communication at the jean and alexander heard libraries. he is also the co-author, along with jonathan lashley and anne langley , of the new book oer: a field guide for academic librarians . oer stands for “open educational resources.” these are educational resources, including but...

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vandy vox wraps a second season!

oct. 15, 2019—this podcast showcases the best of student-produced audio at 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地. each episode features student work from a curricular or co-curricular project, including audio documentaries, radio dramas, spokenword essays, and ongoing podcasts.  listen to all the episodes at . .

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leading lines podcast interview with chris gilliard

sep. 15, 2019—in this episode we talk with chris gilliard, professor of english at macomb community college. his scholarship concentrates on privacy, institutional tech policy, digital redlining, and the re-inventions of discriminatory practices through data mining and algorithmic decision-making, especially as these apply to college students. chris talks with derek bruff about some of the problems and...

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catch up with season six of the leading lines ed tech podcast

sep. 13, 2019—leading lines kicked off season six in august with an interview with randall bass. randy is vice provost for education and a professor in the english department at georgetown university. he was the founding director of georgetown’s teaching center, the center for new designs in learning and scholarship (cndls), and one of the first educators...

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faculty panel considers future of digital literacies on leading lines podcast

jun. 24, 2019—on leading lines, we usually talk with educators, researchers, and technologists about what they’re doing now, and ask them a question or two about where they’d like to see educational technology go in the next few years. in this episode, however, we’re going to camp out in the future. the vanderbilt 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 recently...

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season 2 coming soon!

apr. 25, 2019—thanks to the vanderbilt students and faculty who contributed to the first season of vandyvox! we were thrilled to share student-produced audio from anthropology, game studies, health policy, human and organizational development, law, mathematics, and women’s and gender studies. be sure to listen to our final episode of the season, which features the audio introduction...

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leading lines ed tech podcast with sophie bjork-james

apr. 18, 2019—in this episode, we first hear a short, speculative fiction audio story by vanderbilt undergraduate sarah saxton strassberg called “hagar rising” that explores the future of gene editing. sarah created this piece for a course on the politics of reproductive health taught by vanderbilt anthropology professor sophie bjork-james. after sarah saxton’s audio piece, derek bruff...

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leading lines ed tech podcast with kylie korsnack

mar. 27, 2019—in this episode, the vanderbilt 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分’s assistant director for educational technology, stacey johnson, recently talked with kylie about a new practicum the cft launched aimed at preparing grad students to teach online. stacey and kylie discuss the origin and structure of the practicum, as well as a really useful framework for teaching online...

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vandyvox showcases the best of student-produced audio at vanderbilt

mar. 19, 2019—the vanderbilt 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 and vanderbilt student media are excited to announce the launch of a new podcast! vandyvox showcases the best of student-produced audio at 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地. each episode features student work from a curricular or co-curricular project, including audio documentaries, radio dramas, spoken word essays, and ongoing podcasts. episodes 1 through 5 are now available,...

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