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graduate student positions

application deadline:  friday, february 17, 2023.

each year the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 (cft) hires graduate students as part of its efforts to mentor and train graduate students, including those serving as teaching assistants or instructors of record here at vanderbilt as well as those interested in developing teaching skills for future faculty careers. the cft has two types of positions available for graduate students for the 2023-2024 academic year.


teaching affiliates – the primary responsibility for teaching affiliates is to lead a cohort of incoming tas through 3-day synchronous and asynchronous workshops during august’s ta orientation. these workshops familiarize new tas with the challenges and opportunities of working as tas at vanderbilt and help prepare tas for the first few weeks of class. cohorts are divided by discipline, and so the cft seeks teaching affiliates from a wide variety of disciplines on campus. the teaching affiliate position is a 70-hour position, with most of those hours occurring in august 2023, carrying a $1,000 stipend.  see below for more information.

cict facilitators will each lead a section of the cict program. facilitators will read and prepare lesson plans, lead class sessions, and attend bi-weekly meetings with the assistant director of graduate programs. when the cict program is in session (8 weeks per semester), the approximate workload will be between 5-10 hours/week. the cict program facilitator position carries a $3,000 total stipend, and we expect to hire three next year. see below for more information.


contact cft administrative assistant juliet traub by e-mail or by phone at 2-7290.


why apply for a position at the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分?

  • the positions provide a great opportunity for professional development around teaching and mentoring.
  • training associated with the positions extends and deepens exposure to research-supported teaching practices introduced in the certificate in college teaching and other cft programs.
  • the cft provides a supportive, collegial work environment.
  • positions provide stipends and formal affiliation that can be incorporated into a c.v.

testimonials from graduate students who have worked at the

christian ehret

“in deep discussion, collaboration, and teaching practice with colleagues and mentors at the cft, i grew as a teacher to become better equipped to tackle the social, political, and intellectual challenges of contemporary university teaching. these personal and professional experiences instilled a desire that remains with me today: to develop further as a scholar not only in my field, but also as teacher in my field.”

christian ehret, former graduate teaching fellow
assistant professor, integrated studies in education, mcgill university


“having the opportunity to focus on and talk about teaching and best practices and become familiar with research and the literature on the scholarship of teaching and learning is an invaluable experience for any future educator.”


lily claiborne, former graduate teaching fellow
senior lecturer, earth & environmental science 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地


“i would strongly recommend the experience to graduate students in all fields because it will definitely develop marketable new skills, and it may open up new thinking about what kind of positions to seek.”

laura patterson, former teaching fellow
associate professor of english and director of undergraduate writing programs, seton hill


position descriptions

teaching affiliate

the primary responsibility for teaching affiliates is to lead a cohort of incoming tas through a day-long workshop at august’s ta orientation. these workshops familiarize new tas with the challenges and opportunities of working as tas at vanderbilt and help prepare tas for the first few weeks of class. these cohorts are divided by discipline, although they may include tas from multiple departments or programs. ideally, teaching affiliates are assigned to the cohort which contains their department, but sometimes affiliates work within their discipline outside their department.

additionally, affiliates organize a small event or workshop later in the year that addresses the needs of tas on campus, in their department, or across campus. for example, in previous years teaching affiliates have held a “coffee hour” for tas to discuss their teaching experiences or developed materials for the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 website.

the affiliate position is a great opportunity for graduate students and post-docs who are interested in attending training sessions on teaching and getting some experience facilitating workshops, but who can only make a minimal commitment during the academic year.

given the disciplines represented at ta orientation, the cft seeks teaching affiliate applicants from all disciplines. applicants from the sciences and engineering are especially encouraged to apply.

preferred skills, experiences, and attributes:

  • an understanding of the cft’s mission
  • experience with cft programs and services
  • some classroom or lab teaching experience as a ta or instructor of record at vanderbilt (or elsewhere), with evidence of teaching effectiveness
  • passion for teaching, graduate student development, and the humanities
  • ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • flexibility, imagination, energy

primary responsibilities:

  • develop and present workshops as part of ta orientation (tao) in august
  • design and implement a small project in the fall semester that will have a positive impact on graduate student teaching at vanderbilt

time commitment:

approximately 70 hours, most of them in august 2023. half of the hours will be in-person and the rest will be online.

  • mid-august: intensive training and preparation for ta orientation.
  • august (dates tbd): ta orientation.
  • late august: debriefing activities and compiling materials from ta orientation
  • approximately 5-10 hours in fall 2023 designing and implementing the teaching affiliate’s fall project.


  • $1,000 paid at the end of august


cict program facilitator

the cict program focuses on the research on learning and best teaching practices, and supports the university’s pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning. the certificate is ideal for graduate students whose goals are to become more effective educators and who want to prepare for future careers in higher education teaching.  we are looking for graduate students with teaching experience, who are interested in extending their professional development around teaching and want to support that development in their peers.


  • have completed the cict program.

primary responsibilities:

  • facilitating two semester-long sections of the cict program, one beginning in august and another beginning in january.

time commitment:

  • summer 2023– 5 hours training in july, responding to emails throughout the summer
  • fall 2023– reading materials, lesson planning, facilitating sessions over 8 weeks, attending weekly cict planning meetings (5-10 hours per week while cict is in session).
  • spring 2024– reading materials, lesson planning, facilitating sessions over 8 weeks, attending weekly cict planning meetings (5-10 hours per week while cict is in session).


  • $1,500 paid at the end of august 2023
  • $1,500 paid at the end of january 2024


note that these procedures will apply to any former gtfs, cict facilitators, and teaching affiliates, not just those who worked at the cft in the previous academic year.

for former teaching affiliates reapplying for the teaching affiliate position

  1. in lieu of the standard application materials, former teaching affiliates interested in returning as teaching affiliates should submit an application letter that addresses the following questions:
    • how has your experience as a teaching affiliate impacted your teaching and/or your career since your participation in tao?
    • how would you approach your work as a teaching affiliate differently this year than in the past given your prior experience as a teaching affiliate?
    • how will returning as a teaching affiliate benefit the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分’s efforts to provide support for new tas?
    • how will returning as a teaching affiliate benefit your own professional and/or personal development?
  2. these candidates will not participate in an interview for the position, although they are welcome to arrange a meeting with the recruitment coordinator to discuss the position.


for former teaching affiliates applying for cict facilitator positions

  1. in lieu of the standard application materials, former teaching affiliates interested in applying for cict facilitator positions should submit an updated cv, and an application letter that addresses the following questions (no need to submit a letter of recommendation):
    • how has your experience as a teaching affiliate impacted your teaching and/or your career since your participation in tao?
    • considering the job responsibilities of cict facilitators not on the list of teaching affiliate job responsibilities (facilitating two cict sections that focus on the research on learning and best teaching practices, and supports the university’s pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning, and working with interdisciplinary grad students and postdocs), what experiences and perspectives would you bring to the cict facilitator position that would enable you to fulfill those job responsibilities successfully?
    • how do you expect your experience as a teaching affiliate to impact your potential work as a cict facilitator?
    • how will being a cict facilitator impact your professional and/or personal development?
  2. these candidates will participate in an interview for this position. the interview will focus on the questions above and will include a teaching demonstration.


for former cict facilitators reapplying for cict facilitator positions

  1. in lieu of the standard application materials, former cict facilitators interested in returning as a cict facilitator should submit an application letter that addresses the following questions:
    • how has your experience as a cict facilitator impacted your teaching and/or your career since your participation in facilitating the cict?
    • how would you approach your work as a cict facilitator differently this year than in the past given your prior experience as a cict facilitator?
    • how will returning as a cict facilitator benefit the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分’s efforts to provide professional development for grad students and postdocs wishing to gain foundational teaching knowledge and skills?
    • how will returning as a cict facilitator benefit your own professional and/or personal development?
  2. these candidates will not participate in an interview for the position, although they are welcome to arrange a meeting with the recruitment coordinator to discuss the position.


 for former gtfs and cict facilitators applying for teaching affiliate positions

  1. in lieu of the standard application materials, former gtfs and cict facilitators interested in applying for teaching affiliate positions should submit an application letter that addresses the following questions:
    • how has your experience as a gtf or cict facilitator impacted your teaching and/or your career?
    • how would you approach your work as a teaching affiliate during tao differently this year than in the past given your experience as a gtf or cict facilitator?
    • how will returning as a teaching affiliate benefit your own professional and/or personal development?
  2. these candidates will not participate in an interview for the position, although they are welcome to arrange a meeting with the recruitment coordinator to discuss the position.


for former gtfs applying for the cict facilitator position

  1. in lieu of the standard application materials, former gtfs interested in applying for the cict facilitator position should submit an application letter that addresses the following questions:
    • how has your experience as a gtf and cict facilitator impacted your teaching and/or your career since your involvement with the cft?
    • how would you approach your work as a cict facilitator differently this year than in the past given your prior experience as a gtf and cict facilitator?
    • how will returning as a cict facilitator benefit the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分’s efforts to provide professional development for grad students and postdocs wishing to gain foundational teaching knowledge and skills?
    • how will returning as a cict facilitator benefit your own professional and/or personal development?
  2. these candidates will not participate in an interview for the position, although they are welcome to arrange a meeting with the recruitment coordinator to discuss the position.




application process

all materials must be submitted online using the form below with the exception of the letter of recommendation (see #4 below).

  1. application letter
    • indicate the position(s) for which you are applying. (you may apply for multiple positions using the same application.)
    • discuss the qualifications, experiences, perspectives, and/or workshop ideas you would bring to the position(s) that would enrich the mission and services of the center. please include any interest and/or expertise you have in facilitating workshops, managing projects, working collaboratively on projects, or (for gtf applicants) consulting with peers or students. for our mission statement and more information about cft services, please consult this website further.
    • explain how you will contribute to the equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts at the cft.
  2. curriculum vitae: include a list all courses you have taught or served as a ta for at vanderbilt or elsewhere, and your duties for each.
  3. evidence of teaching effectiveness: you can submit up to three documents showing your effectiveness as a teacher, e.g. teaching statement, sample syllabi, copies of teaching evaluations, sample assignments, and so on.
  4. letter of recommendation: this letter should be from a faculty member in your department addressing the qualifications listed for the position(s) to which you are applying. this letter should be sent via email to cft administrative assistant juliet traub.

complete the application form

strong candidates will be contacted in mid february to schedule an interview that will include a 5-7 minute teaching demonstration by the applicant. appointments will be announced in april. we expect to hire four gtfs, eight teaching affiliates, and two cict program facilitators. these numbers may be subject to change.

please contact juliet traub for more information.