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gradstep: graduate student teaching event for professional development

posted by on friday, december 16, 2011 in events.

held in january each year, gradstep provides several workshops and discussions on teaching, learning, and professional development issues across the disciplines. all vanderbilt graduate and professional students, as well as post-doctoral fellows, are invited to attend.

the 2012 gradstep event will be held saturday, january 21, 2012, in wilson hall and will feature two sessions in which attendees will have 10 workshops to choose among, followed by two plenary sessions. the plenary sessions will each be geared toward specific disciplines: one for those in the humanities and social sciences and the other for those in the natural sciences, engineering and math. the sessions will feature a variety of recent phds who are now working as faculty in diverse institutional contexts. register for gradstep 2012.

plenary sessions:

“making the transition from graduate student to faculty member”
interested in a faculty career?  these virtual panels will feature recent phds now working as faculty in diverse institutional contexts.  panelists will share their perspectives on making the transition from graduate student to faculty member and their experiences teaching at institutions that are, in some ways, unlike vanderbilt.

workshops include:

  • powerpoint makeover
  • course & syllabus design
  • leading effective discussions
  • tools & tips for grading
  • “life gpa”: teaching beyond the grade
  • college writing: teaching students how to write
  • private universes & mental models: the science of teaching science
  • teaching with texts
  • teaching portfolios:  from the classroom to the job market
  • interactive lecturing

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