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revolution or evolution? how should higher ed change in response to social technologies?

posted by on wednesday, january 26, 2011 in news.

by derek bruff, cft assistant director

back in november, jim julius of san diego state university and dwayne harapnuik of abilene christian university and i presented a session titled “revolution or evolution? social technologies and pedagogical change” at the 2010 pod network conference. we structured the session so that most of the time was spent having participants share their perspectives on the topic.

  • what roadblocks prevent faculty from improving their teaching methods, particularly those that involve educational technology?
  • how can teaching center staff help facilitate these kinds of changes?
  • are changes in technology forcing radical change in how higher education is done?

at the end of the session, we promised to share the ideas generated by the participants and continue the conversation in a guest post on the group blog profhacker over on the chronicle of higher education‘s website. that guest post was published yesterday, and it has already received some very interesting comments. i invite you to take a few minutes to read the post and join in the conversation there!

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