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call for proposals – international institute for sotl scholars and mentors – due february 3rd

posted by on tuesday, january 25, 2011 in news.

from the international institute for scholarship of teaching and learning (sotl) scholars and mentors, a call for proposals for their june 1-4, 2011, conference in omaha, nebraska:

you are invited to join our engaging and reflective conversations on “transformational learning” as part of the larger 2011 international institute for sotl scholars and mentors (formerly the castl summer institute) by submitting your best “work-in-progress.”

the heart of the institute is a process of mentoring work-in-progress, modeled by the carnegie foundation. no more than 28 proposals will be accepted for mentoring/presentation, but all forms of sotl research and disciplinary foci are welcome. scholars’ proposals need not address the institute theme; rather, they must answer five questions regarding their sotl project.

fostering transformational learning is about teaching for change, and sotl serves as a useful lens by which to examine our taken for granted assumptions and aptly frames an exploration of educational practices capable of transforming our traditional, returning, and non-traditional students’ learning experiences, both inside and outside the traditional classrooms and laboratories. the institute and this year’s theme invite a variety of disciplinary and methodological studies. consider sharing your work as a scholar!

proposals are due february 3, 2011. application details are available online. for more information, contact cft assistant director derek bruff, who participated in a previous iteration of this conference.

image: “desert dome study,” ben carlisle, flickr (cc)

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