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latest podcast episodes on ed tech in higher education

posted by on tuesday, february 20, 2018 in news.

the latest pair of episodes look at the use of laptops in the classroom. both episodes blow up the assumption that laptops are for notetaking, and they push back on that transmission model of college teaching. both episodes also explore the use of active learning classrooms, classrooms that are outfitted with a range of educational technologies, from movable furniture to whiteboards to good wifi to av systems, designed to support active and collaborative learning.
in the first interview, we talk with astronomy professor cornelia lang about how she uses an active learning classroom in her “big ideas” course at the university of iowa. for the second episode, we continue the converstation about active learning classrooms with christopher brooks, director of research at educause, the higher education technology association.
to listen to the podcasts, visit the leading lines website, search for “leading lines” in itunes, or subscribe via rss.  you can also follow us on twitter, @leadinglinespod.


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