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latest podcast episodes on ed tech in higher education

posted by on monday, october 9, 2017 in news.

in the latest episode of leading lines, we talk with elizabeth self, a teacher educator at 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 in the peabody college of education and human development. stacey johnson, assistant director for educational technology at the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分, talked with liz about her clinical simulation project, in which preservice teachers role-play with actors the kinds of interactions they might have one day as teachers with students, parents, and colleagues. liz shares why these simulations are such powerful learning experiences for her students, and the specific ways that technology, particularly video technology, enhances those learning experiences.

to listen to the podcasts, visit the leading lines website, search for “leading lines” in itunes, or subscribe via rss.  you can also follow us on twitter, @leadinglinespod.


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