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microaggression teaching workshop march 16

posted by on wednesday, march 8, 2017 in events, news.

when teaching, it is almost guaranteed that microaggressions will take place. these seemingly small, ostensibly singular manifestations of oppression can deleteriously effect the teaching-learning environment, our students, and ourselves. as common as microaggressions are, it is equally common that educators are at times unsure of the best way to intervene, particularly in ways that maintain effective relationships with students and/or colleagues. further, typical best practices for intervening assume the responder’s position as bystander, ignoring the ways that educators may also perpetrate or be targets of injustice.

this session aims to create an active learning community wherein current and future educators can build their capacity to respond effectively to microaggressions in the classroom. after offering some guiding principles for effective interventions, the facilitators will lead participants through a skill-building sessions that draws from participants’ own experiences and questions.

facilitators: lydia bentley & amie thurber, cft graduate teaching fellows
thursday, march 16th
time: 1:00pm-3:30pm
cft 3rd floor classroom

register here


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