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new teaching guide: team-based learning

posted by on monday, june 10, 2013 in news, resource.

team-based learning is one version of a flipped classroom, which is supported by a 1998 study by richard hake. hake gathered data on 2084 students in 14 introductory physics courses taught by traditional methods (defined by the instructor as relying primarily on passive student lectures and algorithmic problem exams), allowing him to define an average gain for students in such courses using pre/post-test data. he found that students taught with interactive engagement methods exhibited learning gains almost two standard deviations higher than those observed in the traditional courses.

cft assistant director, cynthia brame, has created a new teaching guide that provides a theoretical background, as well as practical advice, to help you get started using this teaching approach. view the team-based learning teaching guide to learn how you might incorporate this technique into your class.


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