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junior faculty spotlight: mindy johnson

posted by on friday, march 25, 2022 in news.

each year, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, melinda johnsonschool of nursing, talks about some of the lessons she has gained from the fellowship.

my time in the jftf has been insightful and transformative to my teaching practice. our small group seminars have provided me with a new colleague support network, for which i am grateful. in a short period of time, i have learned so much through our seminars, readings, classroom visits, and discussions. i am now more aware of evidence-based resources available and how to approach learning and teaching problems through a more holistic lens. it can be easy to get focused on tasks surrounding our teaching duties, and i’ve learned how valuable it can be to approach teaching problems from a backwards design and curricula lens first. i’m utilizing backwards design to update the clinical courses i coordinate so they better complement each other and help students meet competency-based standards upon graduation. working from our national core competencies, i am evaluating and updating course objectives, and then assessments and learning activities to ensure they all align. i’m also redesigning some of the clinical conferencing rubrics we use so they can better capture student engagement and attainment of learning objectives. i am excited about continuing to apply the things i am learning from the jftf to my current and future teaching practices.







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