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come work at the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分

posted by on tuesday, december 21, 2021 in news.

each year the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 (cft) hires a number of graduate students as part of its efforts to mentor and train graduate students, including those serving as teaching assistants or instructors of record here at vanderbilt as well as those interested in developing teaching skills for future faculty careers. the cft has several positions available for graduate students for the 2022-2023 academic year.

graduate teaching fellow
gtfs lead sections of the certificate in college (cict) teaching program; consult with graduate students about their teaching; facilitate workshops for graduate students at ta orientation and throughout the year; and assist cft senior staff with various ongoing and short-term projects, including the creation of online resources for the vanderbilt teaching community. 世界杯欧洲区预选赛赛程积分.

teaching affiliate
the primary responsibility for teaching affiliates is to lead a cohort of incoming teaching assistants (tas) through a day-long workshop at august’s ta orientation. these workshops familiarize new tas with the challenges and opportunities of working as tas at vanderbilt and help prepare tas for the first few weeks of class. cohorts are divided by discipline, and so the cft seeks teaching affiliates from a wide variety of disciplines on campus. the teaching affiliate position is a 70-hour position, with most of those hours occurring in august 2022.

cict facilitator
the cict program facilitator will, alongside the graduate teaching fellows, lead a section of the cict program.  the facilitator will read and prepare lesson plans, lead class sessions, and attend weekly meetings with the gtfs.  when the cict program is in session (8 weeks per semester), the approximate workload will be between 5-10 hrs/week.

these positions are great opportunities for graduate students to refine their teaching and presentation skills and network with graduate students outside of their department or program

applications for all three types of positions are due friday, february 11, 2022.

learn more about each of these positions and apply online by visiting the cft’s employment opportunities page.






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