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microbiome venture fund seeking proposals

posted by on tuesday, july 27, 2021 in news.

vanderbilt faculty, staff, and students can now apply for the vanderbilt microbiome initiative venture fund, which supports microbiome scholarship spanning research, education, outreach, art, ethics, law and policy development, among others.

the vanderbilt microbiome initiative venture fund is an opportunity for all vanderbilt faculty, staff, trainees and students to apply for pilot funding of a project that connects microbiome scholarship with diverse topics and investigators.

proposals are welcome that:

  • stimulate new microbiome scholarship for the applicants;
  • support the development of team collaborations at various career stages across disciplines or institutes; and
  • subsequently seed a larger project.

collaborations between faculty and undergraduate students across multiple schools are especially encouraged and should be made clear if applicable. the amount of funding is up to $3,000, and it must be used by april 1, 2022. see the criteria for evaluation and reporting responsibilities.





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