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excellence in podcasting competition

posted by on wednesday, may 12, 2021 in news.

have any of your students produced excellent work in audio form this year? maybe you included a podcasting assignment in your course, or you let students choose their medium for a creative assignment and one of them made an audio documentary. or maybe you’re a student who tried your hand at academic podcasting recently.

the excellence in podcasting competition is a way to showcase and honor the ways students are using audio storytelling to communicate ideas, share perspectives, make arguments, and persuade others. the competition is sponsored by the robert penn warren center for the humanities, in collaboration with the office of immersion resources and the cft.

the competition is open to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, with cash prizes up to $500 awarded to the best submissions. winning pieces will also be featured on the upcoming season of vandyvox, the cft’s podcast showcasing the best of student-produced audio at vanderbilt.

submissions are due may 17th via infoready. more information is available here. if you know of a student with a great audio project to submit, please encourage them to do so!



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