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active learning online: five key principles with stephen m. kosslyn

posted by on monday, march 22, 2021 in events.

active learning leads to substantially better learning than occurs with traditional lecturing. this workshop will review the nature of active learning and explain why it is so effective. the workshop will focus on five fundamental principles drawn from the science of learning; these principles range from deep processing (the more mental effort one expends when processing information, the more likely it is to be remembered) to chunking (humans can only absorb about four organized units at the same time, but each of those units can have up to four parts) to deliberate practice (practice is most effective when one uses feedback to focus on the most difficult aspects of the knowledge or skill). we will not only review the principles, but also see how to apply them to teaching—particularly when teaching online, both in synchronous settings  and in asynchronous settings. the workshop will practice what it preaches by relying on many demonstrations and illustrations of key points.

date: thursday, march 25th

time: 3:00 – 4:00 (cst)

location: a zoom link will be provided to registrants

facilitator: dr. stephen m. kosslyn,  author of active learning online: five principles that make online courses come alive, and founder of active learning sciences, inc.







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