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catch up with the leading lines podcast

posted by on thursday, february 25, 2021 in podcast.

in january, the leading lines team released three podcasts with great advice for online teaching.

dan levy, a faculty member at harvard university for 15 years, describes strategies for engaging and assessing students on zoom.

heeroon shin, mellon assistant professor of asian art here at vanderbilt, talks about her changing use of recorded video lectures, leading discussions on zoom, and an instagram activity.

betsy barre, the executive director of the center for the advancement of teaching at wake forest university, and karen costa, a faculty developer and author of the 2020 book, 99 tips for creating simple and sustainable educational videos, talk about student workload during pandemic teaching and how to address it.

you can hear these podcast episodes, as well as others you’ve missed, by visiting the leading lines website, searching for “leading lines” in itunes, or subscribing via rss.  you can also follow us on twitter, @leadinglinespod.

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