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latest episode of the leading lines podcast

posted by on wednesday, may 13, 2020 in commentary, news.

during this season of leading lines, we’re exploring the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on higher education. a big part of that impact lands on our students. robin derosa is the director of the open learning & teaching collaborative, or open colab, at plymouth state university, a public liberal arts institution that’s part of the university. she brought along her colleague martha burtis, now a learning and teaching developer at the open colab, and formerly at the division of teaching and learning technologies at the university of mary washington.

robin and martha talk about the challenges our students are facing during this crisis and the ways they and their colleagues are helping to respond to those challenges. they also offered some useful advice for faculty and institutions planning ahead for an uncertain summer and fall.

to hear the podcast episodes you’ve missed, visit the leading lines website, search for “leading lines” in itunes, or subscribe via rss. you can also follow us on twitter, @leadinglinespod.

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