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2019 summer residency program for phd students in the humanities

posted by on monday, february 25, 2019 in news.

objects and places in an inquiry-based classroom: teaching, learning, and research in the humanities

july 15-26 at the national humanities center
application deadline:  march 18, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.

the robert penn warren center for the humanities and the graduate school invite applications from graduate students in good standing in the humanities and the humanistic social sciences to apply for a summer residency program at the national humanities center july 15-26 in research triangle park, north carolina.

during “objects and places in an inquiry-based classroom,” participants will work in cross-university and interdisciplinary teams to design instructional materials on the theme of geospatial literacy. through workshops led by experienced humanities scholars and educators, institute participants will explore research on teaching and learning in the humanities and connect their own scholarly research to their teaching practice.

two graduate students from 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 will be selected to participate in the institute; the university will cover costs for tuition, housing that has been arranged by the national humanities center in carrboro, nc, and round-trip travel from nashville.  the national humanities center will provide transportation service for the participants to and from the center each day.  details are available on the program webpage.

the national humanities center has been offering this program for several years for students in their area (duke, unc, nc state).  this is the first year that they have expanded the program to the national level.  application materials include:

1) the candidate’s curriculum vitae.

2) a statement of no more than two or three single-spaced pages describing the applicant’s interest in the program and how they will benefit from participation. include in the statement any prior experience in teaching development programs, either at the vu 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 or elsewhere. note: this year’s program focuses on geospatial literacy. from the national humanities center’s website:  “geospatial literacy is a term that describes the ways in which a person views, understands, and interacts with the world.”

please inform your dissertation director if you are applying for this residency. we will ask the dissertation directors of selected graduate students to send a statement of support for their participation.

please submit application materials in a single pdf to terry tripp at contact mona frederick ( if you have questions.


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