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natasha casey and spencer brayton featured in leading lines ed tech podcast

posted by on thursday, june 14, 2018 in news, podcast.

in this episode, the newest member of the leading lines team, melissa mallon, brings us an interview about teaching critical media literacy. the interview features natasha casey, a communications professor at blackburn college in illinois, and spencer brayton, library manager at waubonsee community college, also in illinois. while brayton was at blackburn college, he and casey collaborated to bring their respective fields—information literacy and media literacy—together, developing and team teaching a course on media and information literacy. the course took at a critical look at the topics, meaning that there was a particular focus to issues of power and control in digital media.

melissa has a new book out exploring the ways faculty and librarians can partner to teach digital literacies, so this episode’s interview is right in her wheelhouse! she talks with casey and brayton about working across disciplinary silos, helping students think critically about digital media, team teaching a new course, and practicing public scholarships through blogs and twitter.


to listen to the podcasts, visit the leading lines website, search for “leading lines” in itunes, or subscribe via rss.  you can also follow us on twitter, @leadinglinespod.

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