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leading lines episode 2: corbette doyle, 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地

posted by on monday, august 15, 2016 in news, podcast.

leading linesby derek bruff, cft director

i’m excited to share the second episode of our new educational technology podcast, leading lines. when my colleagues and i started brainstorming ideas for a new educational technology podcast, we knew we wanted to include vanderbilt instructors who use technology in innovative ways.  we talk to colleagues regularly who impress us, and we wanted to share their ideas and perspectives beyond our single campus.

in today’s episode, we feature our first vanderbilt guest, corbette doyle.  corbette is a lecturer in organizational leadership in the department of leadership, policy, and organizations at peabody college of education and human development.  she came to vanderbilt in 2008 after a successful career in the healthcare industry, where she focused on strategic planning, diversity in the workplace, and risk financing.  in her interview, she talks about the ways she uses technologies like google plus and poll everywhere in the service of very intentional teaching objectives, and she reflects on how she approaches adoption of new educational technologies. you can connect with corbette on twitter or linkedin.

for other episodes in the podcast, you can visit the leading lines website, search for “leading lines” in itunes or other podcast app, or subscribe via rss.  you can also follow us on twitter, @leadinglinespod.


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