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blackboard drop-in sessions to feature grade center

posted by on friday, february 5, 2016 in news.

blackboard support at the cft

blackboard support continues to offer email, phone, and one-on-one consultations, or blackboard users can take advantage of our library of on-demand resources. drop-in support hours continue to be offered mondays from 1-3pm. if you missed our january sessions, we discussed grade column organization and inline grading. february spotlight topics are listed below, however you should feel free to bring your own questions and concerns to the drop-in support hours. we can answer your questions on any topic and provide technical support.

drop-in support hours mondays from 1-3pm

february 8 – grade center: edit column information
february 15 – grade center: rubrics
february 22 – grade center: needs grading
february 29 – grade center: create/total/average column

please contact us at for more information.

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