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course design consultations for university course proposals

posted by on friday, december 4, 2015 in news.

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last month chancellor zeppos launched the university courses initiative, designed to promote cross-college teaching at vanderbilt.  these courses, taught by faculty outside of their home department or school or co-taught by faculty from different schools or colleges, will provide new opportunities for students at vanderbilt to consider big questions and hard problems from multiple perspectives.

faculty members are invited to meet with the consulting staff at the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 as they develop proposals for university courses.  cft consultants are happy to meet with you or your course team to help clarify teaching and learning goals, identify teaching strategies that will help meet those goals, and navigate the particular challenges of university courses.

teaching consultations at the cft are always tailored to the needs of the instructors.  each course has its own goals, each educator has his or her own teaching philosophy and style, and instructors come to us in various stages of preparation and with various questions about teaching and learning.  in the case of university courses, a consultation might pay particular attention to (1) teaching students you don’t know, (2) teaching across disciplines, or (3) team teaching.

to schedule a course design consultation—for a university course or any other course—simply call the cft at 322-7290 or email

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