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upcoming faculty teaching visit with dr. leigh gilchrist: thursday, nov 12th

posted by on thursday, november 5, 2015 in events, news.

leigh gilchrist, assistant professor of the practice and director of undergraduate studies in the department of human and organizational development

hod 3221: health service delivery to diverse populations

leigh gilchrist is assistant professor of the practice and director of undergraduate studies in the department of human and organizational development at peabody college.  in hod 3221: health service delivery to diverse populations, she helps students to learn about the complexities of health service delivery to diverse social groups, particularly the impacts of health policy, social injustices and inequalities, the value systems of target populations, and differences such as gender, race, class, age, religion, among others.  the goal of the class is to help students achieve a deeper understanding of the connection between health delivery and social context.  leigh uses a combination of lecture, collaborative group work, and service learning.  in the post-class discussion we will have opportunities to address the challenges and opportunity of group work, experiential learning, and community engagement with students.

date:               november 12th
time:              1:10-3:25pm (class, 1:10-2:25pm; discussion, 2:25-3:25pm)
room:             mayborn 105
facilitator:      joe bandy

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