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gradstep 2014: students as producers sneak peek at session 1

posted by on thursday, january 9, 2014 in news.

gradstep 2014 will focus on students as producers: developing dynamic learning in a virtual and real-world setting and will be held:

saturday, january 25th,
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. in light hall

service learning
joe bandy, cft assistant director
service learning is a pedagogy that combines the learning goals of your courses and the ideals of community service in class projects that can enhance both student development and the common good.  this session will provide opportunities for participants to explore service learning in their own teaching by reviewing the research on the promise and problems of service learning, and by discussing best practices that make service learning more efficient and effective.

creating connections: using an interdisciplinary approach in the classroom
bernadette doykos, cft graduate teaching fellow
interdisciplinary instruction challenges students to employ diverse analytical approaches to understanding complex issues. the approach can be integrated in classrooms across the academy, creating opportunities for students to draw connections across disciplines and departments. in this session, we will examine how interdisciplinary instruction differs to other curricular approaches, and participants will be challenged to envision how they may integrate these approaches in their approach to teaching. finally, participants will work together to create a framework for interdisciplinary instruction in their own classrooms.
using technology to support students as producers of knowledge
derek bruff, cft director
how can we use technology to support and enhance student learning in the courses we teach?  one way is to help students move from merely “consuming” knowledge to producing their own.  students can use digital tools to engage either individually or collaboratively in various kinds of scholarly and creative work—and to share the products of that work with each other and beyond the course itself.  participants will consider examples of course activities in which technology is used to help students become “producers” of knowledge, and they will generate ideas for incorporating such activities in their own teaching.
scholarship of teaching and learning
andrew greer, cft graduate teaching fellow
this session introduces graduate students to investigations of learning as a form of scholarly research. participants will workshop various types of data, or evidence of student learning, from higher education classrooms to consider potential sotl projects.
all vanderbilt graduate & professional students, and post-doctoral fellows, can register here for this free, daylong conference, offering workshops and discussions centered on teaching, learning, and professional development issues, across the disciplines.

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