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the mindful phd: reducing stress

posted by on wednesday, september 18, 2013 in commentary, resource.

by nancy chick, cft assistant director

in recent weeks, i’ve talked with quite a few colleagues–faculty (full-time and part-time) and graduate students–who were nervous about teaching their first class, or their first class on this campus, the first session of a new course, or a new group of students.  this concoction of stage fright, imposter syndrome, natural uncertainty about anything new, the preparations of an introvert in an extrovert’s role, and who knows what else is just one of the many types of anxiety experienced by those of us in higher education.  we can count on this situational stress at least twice a year, but admittedly it’s one of our mildest sources of stress.  more….


reposted from the mindfulness phd blog.
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